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ICTlogy » ICT4D Bibliography » Bibliographies » Facilitation methodologies

Facilitation methodologies


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Listing 21 references:

Action for the Rights of Children (2001). Facilitator's Toolkit. Geneva: ARC, Reach Out. Retrieved December 19, 2021 from http://www.unhcr.org/4371d7c92.pdf [143] [e]
Brouwer, H., Woodhill, J., Hemmati, M., Verhoosel, K. & van Vugt, S. (2016). The MSP Guide. How to design and facilitate multi-stakeholder partnerships. 3rd edition. Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research, WCDI, and Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing. Retrieved December 16, 2021 from http://dx.doi.org/10.3362/9781780446691 [143] [152] [e]
Brouwer, H. & Brouwers, J. (2017). The MSP Tool Guide. Sixty tools to facilitate multi-stakeholder partnerships. Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research, WCDI, and Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing. Retrieved December 16, 2021 from https://mspguide.org/the-msp-tool-guide/ [143] [152] [e]
Bustos, R., García, J. & Chueca, D. (2018). Guía práctica para facilitar la participación ciudadana. Una selección de herramientas presenciales y digitales para el trabajo colectivo. Participación y gobernanza en las entidades locales. Materiales de apoyo nº1. Pamplona: Departamento de Relaciones Ciudadanas e Institucionales. Gobierno de Navarra. Retrieved April 05, 2018 from http://www.gobiernoabierto.navarra.es/sites/default/files/guiatecnicasparticipacion_castellano.pdf [130] [131] [142] [143] [e]
Kumar, V. (2013). 101 Design Methods. A Structured Approach For Driving Innovation In Your Organization. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. [131] [143] [e]
Martí Olivé, J. & Jorba, L. (2011). Tècniques participatives per al debat grupal. Segona edició. Col·lecció Documents de Treball, Sèrie Igualtat i Ciutadania, 19. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona. Retrieved January 09, 2019 from https://www1.diba.cat/uliep/pdf/49718.pdf [131] [143] [e]
OECD (2022). Innovation Playbook. Your 3-step journey to put the Declaration on Public Sector Innovation into practice. Paris: OECD Publishing. Retrieved June 03, 2023 from https://oecd-opsi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/OPSI_Playbook_FINAL_V1.pdf [143] [e]
Ramos, J., Sweeney, J.A., Peach, K. & Smith, L. (2020). Our futures: by the people, for the people. How mass involvement in shaping the future can solve complex problems. London: Nesta. Retrieved July 08, 2020 from https://media.nesta.org.uk/documents/Our_futures_by_the_people_for_the_people_WEB_v5.pdf [143] [152] [e]
Rey, A. (2019). InnoBox Plus. Sevilla: Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía. Retrieved May 12, 2023 from https://innoboxplus.cea.es/ [143] [e]
Tõnurist, P. & Hanson, A. (2020). Anticipatory innovation governance: Shaping the future through proactive policy making. OECD Working Papers on Public Governance, No. 44. Paris: OECD Publishing. Retrieved April 23, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.1787/cce14d80-en [143] [152] [e]

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