British Journal of Educational Technology
Work data:
ISSN: 1467-8535Type of work: Journal
e-Learning and Instructional Technology | EducationIncludes
- Arora, P. (2010) Hope-in-the-Wall? A digital promise for free learning [e]
- Dangwal, R. & Mitra, S. (2010) Limits to self-organising systems of learning—the Kalikuppam experiment [e]
- Chen, L. & Chen, T. (2012) Use of Twitter for formative evaluation: Reflections on trainer and trainees’ experiences [e]
- Minocha, S., Schneider, C. & Schroeder, A. (2011) Role of the educator in social software initiatives in further and higher education: A conceptualisation and research agendaxperiences [e]
- Elavsky, C. M., Heiberger, G. & Junco, R. (2012) Putting twitter to the test: Assessing outcomes for student collaboration, engagement and success [e]
- Brown, M., Dungay, K., Elbeltagi, I. & Garcia, E. (2014) The implications of a connectivist learning blog model and the changing role of teaching and learning [e]
- Hartnett, M. (2016) Differences in the digital home lives of young people in New Zealand [e]
- Bartol, T., Dolnicar, V., Podgornik, B. B. & Šorgo, A. (2016) Attributes of digital natives as predictors of information literacy in higher education [e]
- López-Bonilla, J. M. & López-Bonilla, L. M. (2016) Explaining the discrepancy in the mediating role of attitude in the TAM [e]
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Date of register: 2010-06-22 21:15:58