- https://ictlogy.net/20250111-new-public-governance-in-practice-a-programme-for-the-administration-in-times-of-networks-uncertainty-and-complexity/
- https://ictlogy.net/20250111-new-public-governance-in-practice-a-programme-for-the-administration-in-times-of-networks-uncertainty-and-complexity/0000004820_new_public_governance_applied_model_networks_uncertainty_complexity/
- REPORT. Catalan Participation Lab Network. Public facilities and social innovation
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #204, September 2020
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #205, October 2020
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #206, November 2020
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #207, December 2020
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #202, July 2020
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #203, August 2020
- Citizen Participation in policy-making: internalizing externalities and preventing conflict through planning and evaluating
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #201, June 2020
- Current challenges of informal participation: what can an Artificial Intelligence do for citizen participation
- The role of public facilities and civic centres in a citizen participation ecosystem
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #199, April 2020
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #200, May 2020
- Current challenges of online participation: a citizen e-participation journey
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #198, March 2020
- REDEM (I). Democratic Ethics and Politics
- REDEM (II). Democracy, Rationality and Inequality
- REDEM (III). Open panel
- REDEM (IV). The Demos, Partisanship and Technology
- REDEM (V). Membership and Voice: Local and Global
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #191, August 2019
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #192, September 2019
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #193, October 2019
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #194, November 2019
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #195, December 2019
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #196, January 2020
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #197, February 2020
- A Theory of Change of citizen participation: an update
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #190, July 2019
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #189, June 2019
- Opinion Factsheet. Local and Regional Authorities in the permanent dialogue with citizens
- DigEnlight2019 (I). Anna Asimakopoulou: Democracy and Media in the Digital Era
- DigEnlight2019 (II). Democracy Organisation
- DigEnlight2019 (III). Andrew Keen: How to fix Democracy
- DigEnlight2019 (IV). Media and Democracy
- DigEnlight2019 (V). ICT for Democracy
- Conference on Democratic Innovation (I). An architect meets a biologist
- Conference on Democratic Innovation (II). Regional planning, transparency and open data
- Conference on Democratic Innovation (III). Regional planning and citizen participation
- Conference on Democratic Innovation (IV). Regional planning and collaboration
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #184, January 2019
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #185, February 2019
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #186, March 2019
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #187, April 2019
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #188, May 2019
- Roger Soler-i-MartÃ. Youth and social and political engagement
- Elections in Estonia and the current parliamentary elections (I)
- Elections in Estonia and the current parliamentary elections (II)
- Article. Impact of information and communication technologies in agroecological cooperativism in Catalonia
- Oliver Escobar. Mini-publics for citizen participation
- Book. Shifting participation into sovereignty: the case of decidim.barcelona
- Book Chapter. Translearning: unfolding educational institutions to scaffold lifelong networked learning
- Book Chapter. Fostering non-formal and informal democratic participation: From mass democracy to democracy networks
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #178, July 2018
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #179, August 2018
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #180, September 2018
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #181, October 2018
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #182, November 2018
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #183, December 2018
- eDemocracy: Digital Rights and Responsibilities (I). Stakeholders and tech companies
- eDemocracy: Digital Rights and Responsibilities (II). Experts and activists
- About Me
- Sobre Mí
- Sobre Mi
- Fostering non-formal and informal democratic participation (III). Infrastructures for non-formal and informal democratic participation
- Article. Alternative economics or technopolitics. Activism from agroecological products cooperative consumption
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #173, February 2018
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #174, March 2018
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #175, April 2018
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #177, June 2018
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #176, May 2018
- Fostering non-formal and informal democratic participation (I). Man-mass and post-democracy
- The Chief Research Officer in consultancy firms
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #171, December 2017
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #172, January 2018
- Decidim.index. Sofia de Roa: Systems of indicators of quality
- Decidim.index. Miriam Sol & Carla Cordoncillo: Systems of indicators of quality
- Decidim.index. Juan Romero: managing conflict to improve the democratic process
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #170, November 2017
- Article. Digital platforms: consumption groups and cooperatives vs. The Food Assembly in the case of Barcelona
- OP@LL Conference (I): Online Participation – stock taking
- OP@LL Conference (II): Case Studies I
- OP@LL Conference (III): Case studies II
- OP@LL Conference (IV): Actors in the Field of Online Participation
- OP@LL Conference (V): Online and Offline Participation
- OP@LL Conference (VI): Evaluation of Online-Participation
- OP@LL Conference (VII): Case Studies 3
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #163, April 2017
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #164, May 2017
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #165, June 2017
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #166, July 2017
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #167, August 2017
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #168, September 2017
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #169, October 2017
- Government as a platform for open social innovation
- Case study. decidim.barcelona, Spain
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (I). Rosie McGee: What roles do and don’t technologies play in citizen voice and transparency for achieving accountable and responsive governance?
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (II). Tech per se (I)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (III). Tech per se (II)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (IV). Tech as part of the mix (I)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (V). Tech as part of the mix (II)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (VI). Take-away thoughts
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (VII). Governance actors, processes and relationships
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (VIII). Open Government Partnership (I)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (IX). Open Government Partnership (II)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (X). What has MAVC learnt about supporting work in this field?
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (XI). Lessons about supporting work in this field
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (XII). So what?
- e-Participation: from capacity building to governance
- Thesis Defence. Francisco Jurado: Political representation in the age of Internet. The case of Spain
- Policy brief. Citizen participation and the rise of the open source city in Spain
- Constitutional processes in the world
- Article. ICT-based participation in municipalities: from citizen empowerment to the open cities network
- Article. What is technopolitics? A conceptual scheme for understanding politics in the digital age
- Book chapter. Environmental education in a world of networks
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #160, January 2017
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #161, February 2017
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #162, March 2017
- Centralization vs. decentralization tensions in the Digital Economy
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #152, May 2016
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #153, June 2016
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #154, July 2016
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #155, August 2016
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #156, September 2016
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #157, October 2016
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #158, November 2016
- Book chapter. Networked learning: strategies and tools to open and disrupt educational institutions
- What is social inclusion today?
- Metadecidim (I). Robert Bjarnason: Digital tools for the democratic revolution in Iceland and beyond
- Metadecidim (II). Silvia Luque: The participatory experience of the Municipality Action Plan through the decidim.barcelona platform
- OD4D Summit (I)
- OD4D Summit (II)
- Open Cities Summit (I). Keynote: Amen Ra Mashariki, Chief Analytics Officer, New York City
- Open Cities Summit (II). City leaders panel: local issues and open data solutions, lessons learned, and setting short and long terms priorities
- Open Cities Summit (III). Expert panel on what is an open city: emerging trends, scaling opportunities, strengthening networks
- Open Cities Summit (IV). Public presentation of the eight projects developed along Visualizar'16 international workshop at Medialab-Prado
- Open Cities Summit (V). Ideathon workshops
- Open Cities Summit (VI). Ideathon workshops takeaways
- ICTlogy.net: 13th anniversary
- Working paper. Technopolitics, ICT-based participation in municipalities and the makings of a network of open cities. Drafting the state of the art and the case of decidim.Barcelona
- IDP2016 (I). Hugh Beale: The future of European Contract Law in the light of the European Commission’s proposals for Directives on digital content and on-line sales
- IDP2016 (II). Digital Single Market and e-Commerce
- IDP2016 (III). Raquel Xalabarder: Copyright law for a digital single market: how far are we from achieving it?
- IDP2016 (IV). E-government
- IDP2016 (V). Data protection
- IDP2016 (VI). Cybercrime
- IDP2016 (VII). New Political Parties & Cyber-activism
- IDP2016 (VIII). Lance Bennett: The Democratic Interface: Communication and Organizational Change in Movements and Parties
- IDP2016 (IX). New Media, Citizens & Public Opinion
- IDP2016 (X). Céline Deswarte: Towards a future proof legal framework for digital privacy in Europe
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #143, August 2015
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #145, October 2015
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #144, September 2015
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #146, November 2015
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #147, December 2015
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #148, January 2016
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #149, February 2016
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #150, March 2016
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #151, April 2016
- In defense of slacktivism. An interview.
- The challenge of being (professionally) connected. Proceedings of the VII EAFT Terminology Summit 2014: Social Media and Terminology work
- Communication at CeDEM2016. Structural Conditions for Citizen Deliberation. A Conceptual Scheme for the Assessment of “New†Parties
- Communication at IDP2016. Structural Conditions for Citizen Deliberation: A Conceptual Scheme for the Assessment of “New†Parties
- Communication at IDP2016. Activismo desde el consumo cooperativo de productos agroalimentarios: ¿Economía alternativa o tecnopolítica?
- Communication at IDP2016. What is technopolitics? A conceptual scheme for understanding politics in the digital age
- eLearning Africa 2016 (I). Vision, innovation and reality
- eLearning Africa 2016 (II). e-Readiness for Teachers: Supporting the Driving Force
- eLearning Africa 2016 (III). Reaping the rewards of open
- eLearning Africa 2016 (IV). Researching Learner Centred Methods
- eLearning Africa 2016 (V). Entrepreneurialism, Capacity Development and the Role of Education in Accelerating Change
- eLearning Africa 2016 (VI). Creating Communities of Practice for Teachers
- eLearning Africa 2016 (VII). Back up for Online Tutors and Mentors
- APROPIATIC (V). Larry Cooperman: Higher Education, Virtual Education, Open Education
- APROPIATIC (VI). Ismael Peña-López: Unfolding educational institutions. Strategies and tools for networked learning
- APROPIATIC (VII). Peter C. Mantell: the future of online education
- Thesis Defence. Arnau Monterde: Emergence, evolution and effects of the 15M network movement (2011-2015): A technopolitical approximation
- The networked educator — an approach from distributed leadership
- CDF2015 (I). Babah Tarawally: On the refugee crisis
- CDF2015 (II). Ismael Peña-López: The SDGs and the oversight of disregarding social revolutions
- CDF2015 (III). Margot Bouwman: on the power of communication
- CDF2015 (IV). Jonathan Gray: Open data
- APROPIATIC (I). Kenneth C. Green: Use and appropriation of technology in higher education. The Campus Computing Project
- APROPIATIC (II). Stefania Druga: Envangelizing technology for learning. Hackidemia
- APROPIATIC (III). Emilio Alvarado Badillo: Education of the future: Projections into the future
- APROPIATIC (IV). Larry Cooperman: Open education: what is it, why is it, for whom is it and how to begin
- ICTlogy.net: 12th anniversary
- The community first: subverting the dynamics of putting technology in the classroom
- Emancipation and the failure of the Sustainable Development Goals
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #142, July 2015
- Comment Manager
- Communication. Mapping agro-food consumption groups in the city of Barcelona
- IDP2015 (I). Daniele Quercia: Connected New Urbanism
- IDP2015 (II). Wim Vanobberghen: The Politics of Governance, Citizen Participation and the City: is the smart revolution on its way?
- IDP2015 (III). Smart Cities (I)
- IDP2015 (IV). Internet, Politics and Society
- IDP2015 (V). E-government and transparency
- IDP2015 (VI). Smart cities II
- IDP2015 (VII). E.J. Koops: Physical and Online Privacy: fundamental challenges for level frameworks to remain relevant
- IDP2015 (VIII). Juan José Medina Ariza: Crime Mapping and the Smart City
- IDP2015 (IX). Multidisciplinary debate on the challenges of smart cities
- Rosa Borge. From protest to political parties: online deliberation in the new parties arising in Spain
- New democratic movements (I). Transformations of democracy. Deliberative democracy, participatory democracy, digital democracy
- New democratic movements (II). New technologies, social networks, and democracy
- New democratic movements (III). Occupy Wall Street and the 15M Spanish Indignados movement
- New democratic movements (IV). The civic culture of the new democratic movements
- New democratic movements (V). Taking stock: workshop concluding remarks
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #135, December 2014
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #136, January 2015
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #137, February 2015
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #138, March 2015
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #139, April 2015
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #141, June 2015
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #140, May 2015
- DemocraticCity (I). Democratic-common cities vs. Smart-private cities
- DemocraticCity (II). New generation citizen movements’ campaigns in Spain
- DemocraticCity (III). Experiments of democratic participation in Cities, A European perspective
- DemocraticCity (IV). New political movements for real democracy in Europe
- Book chapter. The double edge of technology: an opportunity for inclusion and a risk of exclusion
- Philipp Schmidt. Social Open Learning: Can Online Social Networks Transform Education?
- Lali Sandiumenge. The construction of a new Mediterranean Sea: women, youngsters and new forms of participation
- The use of social networking sites and the need to rethink democracy and the forms of participation
- Thesis Defence. Antonella Esposito: The Transition “from student to researcher†in the Digital Age
- TecnopolÃtica14 (I). Joan Subirats & Simona Levi. Political evolution of the 15M
- TecnopolÃtica14 (II). Ismael Peña-López & VÃctor Sampedro: technopolitics and institutions
- TecnopolÃtica14 (III). Javier Toret, Antonio Ruiz & Sergio Salgado: limits and potentials of technopolitical practices
- TecnopolÃtica14 (IV). Miguel Arana & Francesca Bria: experiments in digital democracy
- Thesis Defence. Xavier Mas: the integration of the uses of digital technology in adult learning
- Javier Toret. #OccupyHongKong: Network Movements arrive in Asia
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #132, September 2014
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #133, October 2014
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #134, November 2014
- ICTlogy.net: 11th anniversary
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #131, August 2014
- EAIE2014 (I). Game on! Gamifying international student recruitment
- EAIE2014 (II). Jan Muehlfeit: stepping into a new era
- EAIE2014 (III). Social media content curation: tips, tricks and winning strategies
- EAIE2014 (IV). E-supervision: a new tool for enhancing PhD education in Africa
- EAIE2014 (V). Internationalise your curriculum through virtual mobility
- EAIE2014 (VI). Should your institution join the online exodus?
- EAIE2014 (VII). Returns on higher education and labour market linkages: latest OECD findings
- EAIE2014 (VIII). A MOOC Revolution? Strategic Considerations and Lessons Learned
- How to incorporate mobile devices in learning in Catalonia?
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #118, July 2013
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #119, August 2013
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #120, September 2013
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #121, October 2013
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #122, November 2013
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #123, December 2013
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #124, January 2014
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #125, February 2014
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #126, March 2014
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #127, April 2014
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #128, May 2014
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #129, June 2014
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #130, July 2014
- New paper. Spanish Indignados and the evolution of the 15M movement on Twitter: towards networked para-institutions
- Mapping the new telecentre
- IDP2014 (I). Helen Margetts: Chaotic pluralism. Politics after a decade of social media
- IDP2014 (II). Ramon Casas Vallès: Ten years of intellectual property on the Internet law reforms
- IDP2014 (III). Gerald Spindler: Liability of ISP providers – recent developments in the EU
- IDP2014 (IV). e-Government (I)
- IDP2014 (V). e-Government (II)
- IDP2014 (VI). Internet and politics (I)
- IDP2014 (VII). Cybercrime
- IDP2014 (VIII). Henrik Kaspersen: Cybercrime: a decade of transformations
- IDP2014 (IX). Yves Poullet: A new Privacy age: towards a citizen’s empowerment: New issues and new challenges
- IDP2014 (X). Julián Valero: From digitalization to technological innovation: A juridical assessment of the modernization process of Public Administrations in the last decade
- IDP2014 (XI). e-commerce and consumer protection
- IDP2014 (XII). Internet and politics (II)
- Project-centered personal learning environments in e-research and open social innovation
- Thesis Defence. Sara Vannini: Social Representations of Community Multimedia Centres in Mozambique
- Enter Forum (I). Paula Sibilia: How social networks transform our intimacy?
- Enter Forum (II). Victòria Camps: How to educate in an audiovisual environment?
- Enter Forum (III). Round table on the Internet, Privacy and Education
- Enter Forum (IV). mShools
- Appointed Director of Open Innovation at Fundació Jaume Bofill
- VIII Forum on Education (I). Seminar on innovation in education: defining innovation
- VIII Forum on Education (II). Seminar on innovation in education: making up a hypothetical case of educational innovation
- VIII Forum on Education (III). Building innovative learning environments
- VIII Forum on Education (IV). Innovation in times of change of era
- VIII Forum on Education (V). Leading today's centers: challenges of an innovative center
- VIII Forum on Education (VI). What did it mean to my personal and professional experience belonging to an innovation network
- VIII Forum on Education (VII). New landscapes and new requirements for Education and their professionals
- Jane S. Ley: Ethics Management in Government: Experience in American Government
- New niches for online journalism
- The reinvention of democracy in the network society
- A comment on PLEs, ZDPs, heavy-switching and translearning
- ICTlogy.net: 10th anniversary
- Global Revolution (I). Sequence of gestation, explosion and contagion of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (I)
- Global Revolution (II). Sequence of gestation, explosion and contagion of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (II)
- Global Revolution (III). Challenges, problems and innovations in the phase of evolution of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (I)
- Global Revolution (IV). Challenges, problems and innovations in the phase of evolution of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (II)
- e-Supervision (I). Opening Session
- e-Supervision (II). Ismael Peña-López. e-Supervision: framing the debate
- e-Supervision (III). Olive Mugenda. e-Supervision to support the development of doctoral studies in Africa
- e-Supervision (IV). Innovative tools enabling e-supervision
- e-Supervision (V). From theory to practice: models, experiences, opportunities and challenges of e-supervision
- e-Supervision (VI). How can e-supervision contribute to improve doctoral education in Africa
- e-Supervision (VII). Concluding Session
- Sandra González-Bailón: The self-organisation of political protest and communication networks
- XI Congreso de la AECPA (I). Digital inclusion and Internet governance for an open government
- XI Congreso de la AECPA (II). Elections and public opinion in times of crisis
- XI Congreso de la AECPA (III). The effects of the economic crisis in Spanish democracy: legitimacy, dissatisfaction and dissaffection
- XI Congreso de la AECPA (IV). Political representation and citizen participation: whan can political theory bring to institutional reform?
- XI Congreso de la AECPA (V). Political behaviour and political communication
- Casual Politics: From slacktivism to emergent movements and pattern recognition
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #117, June 2013
- PostDem (I). Ismael Peña-López: The Second Transition?
- PostDem (II). Joan Subirats: Governance. The Third Axis
- PostDem (III). Alessandro Di Battista: multilevel movements. The Movimento 5 Stelle
- PostDem (IV). Lourdes Muñoz SantamarÃa: Parties. PSC BCN: network party, open party
- PostDem (V). Roger Palà : media. Mediacat and the Yearbook of the media silences
- PostDem (VI). Ada Colau: citizenry. The PAH: from the ILP to the 'escraches'
- PostDem (VII). David Fernà ndez: parliaments. The CUP: one foot on the street, one foot in the Parliament
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #116, May 2013
- IDP2013 (I): Intellectual Property
- IDP2013 (II): Mireille Hildebrandt: Slaves of Big Data. Are we?
- IDP2013 (III): Regulation
- IDP2013 (IV): Privacy (I)
- IDP2013 (V): Criminal Law
- IDP2013 (VI): Politics
- IDP2013 (VII): Duncan Watts: When does size matter? “Big data,†the Web, and social science
- IDP2013 (VIII): Social Movements
- IDP2013 (IX): Privacy (I)
- IDP2013 (X): Privacy (II)
- Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #115, April 2013
- SIF13 (I). Internet freedom in the global debate: mapping the state of play
- SIF13 (II). Reconciling freedom and security in cyberspace
- SIF13 (III). Free and secure communication in a multinational context
- SIF13 (IV). Cyberactvism: Caught between love and hate?
- SIF13 (V). A free and open internet for global inclusive growth
- SIF13 (VI). Transforming international development through ICTs
- SIF13 (VII). Internet freedom for global development – making progress?
- Ana Rivoir: National Strategies for the Information Society in Latin America, 2000-2010. The case of Uruguay
- The importance of the context and the human factor. A reply to 'The OLPC Correlation With MOOCs'
- Book. Citizenry and Nonprofits
- Book. Personal Learning Environments: keys for the networked educational ecosystem
- DarÃo Quiroga Parra: ICT, knowledge, innovation and productivity
- New article. Heavy switchers in translearning: From formal teaching to ubiquitous learning
- The virtual telecentre and the demand side of unemployment
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #112, January 2013
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #113, February 2013
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #114, March 2013
- Social Innovation (I). Jem Bendell: Unleashing Abundance, collaborative disruptive social innovation
- Social Innovation (II). The technology sector as a driver for social innovation
- Social Innovation (III). Presentation of the study: “Co-innovation: keys to learn how to innovate from the alliancesâ€
- Social Innovation (IV). Susanne Stormer: Changing future Health
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #111, December 2012
- Research Interests
- Open educational resources on Cloud Computing and Social Networking Sites for professionals
- CV
- CV
- Timelines
- Designing institutions that foster the Information Society
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #110, November 2012
- Evgeny Morozov: How to control new digital intermediaries?
- Book Review: Comunicación Móvil y Desarrollo Económico y Social en América Latina
- Book Chapter: Key factors for successful ICT4D projects: How can telecoms contribute.
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #109, October 2012
- Open Parliament, the Senate in the Net (I): Transparency and communication
- Open Parliament, the Senate in the Net (II): Accessibility and Reuse of public sector information
- Open Parliament, the Senate in the Net (III): Citizen participation and presence of the Parliament in the Net
- Oriol Miralbell: Social networking sites and exchange of knowledge
- Createdestruct (I). Juan Freire: building a culture for social innovation
- Createdestruct (II). Labs from the society
- Createdestruct (III). Comunity economics
- Createdestruct (IV). The city as innovation platform
- Createdestruct (V). Towards a new citizen democracy
- Data Analysis and Visualization: The 15M Movement and Other Case Studies
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #108, September 2012
- From wikileaks to the Global Spring. Logics of the Internet in collective action
- The defence of the Network, hacktivism and other contributions to the source code of the new movements
- Technopolitics and the 15M. The power of connected crowds. Network system #15M. A new paradigm for distributed politics
- From the Arab Spring to the Global Spring. How to think on the global relationships of the new movements in the digital age
- Networked democracy and new institutionality. New models for the XXIst century democracy
- Robert Bjarnason: Citizen participation in Iceland through the web Better Reykjavík
- From movements to constitutions. How to think in a networked and open source constitutional process
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #107, August 2012
- Transforming institutions in the Knowledge Society: a matter of e-Awareness
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #106, July 2012
- Personal Learning Environments and the revolution of Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #105, June 2012
- Debates on Democracy and Political Community: representation, participation and intermediation
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (I). Greg Lastowka: Copyserfs and the Stationers’ Company 2.0
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (II). Fred von Lohmann: Copyright Limitations, Exceptions, and Copyright’s Innovation Policy
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (III). Copyright
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (IV). Fundamental rights
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (V). New business models for contents distribution on line
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VI). Pedro A. de Miguel Asensio: online entertainment and customer protection
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VII). Privacy and electronic commerce
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VIII). Right to Be Forgotten
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (IX). Government and Regulatory Policies
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (X). Privacy On Line
- Challenges and Opportunities of Online Entertainment. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics
- Microblogging in the classroom. From information to participation
- EduDretTIC2012: Paul Anthony Maharg: Assessing legal professionalism in simulations: The case of SIMPLE
- EduDretTIC2012: Planning teaching through ICTs
- EduDretTIC2012: Tools for collaborative work
- EduDretTIC2012: Virtual platforms and learning assessment
- Archives
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #103, April 2012
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #104, May 2012
- New book published: Community action in the net
- More than wires: measuring the Information Society
- eInclusion Intermediaries in Europe: horizon 2020
- Advantages and disadvantages of social web technologies in learning
- Why the Information Society made a good bunch of Law obsolete
- Personal Learning Environments as conscious learning strategies
- Education and development in a world of networks
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #102, March 2012
- Resources
- Conference series on trends in the Information and Knowledge Society
- The needed shift in policies to foster the Information Society: skills and refuseniks
- The conquest of Internet: new maps for new territories
- ICTlogy v6.0
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #101, February 2012
- iPad for Researchers and Scholars: the leap to enhanced reading
- TIES2012 (I). Juana M. Sancho-Gil: Technological affluence, educational precariousness: a look at the last 20 years
- TIES2012 (II). Neil Selwyn: Social media, social learning? Considering the limits of the ‘social turn’ in contemporary educational technology
- TIES2012 (III). Present and future of PLE: conceptualization, practice and critic of Personal Learning Environments
- TIES2012 (IV). Innovative uses of ICTs in teaching and learning processes
- TIES2012 (V). Betty Collis: Digital Learners: Will they surprise us?
- TIES2012 (VI). Punya Mishra: Creative Teaching with Technology: Introducing the TPACK Framework
- TIES2012 (VII). Digital society’s changes and challenges, and their implications for education
- TIES2012 (VIII). Looking into the future of Education
- TIES2012 (IX). Educational projects based on laptops in the school
- TIES2012 (X). José Antonio Millán: Digital prostheses in education: opportunity or consumerism?
- TIES2012 (XI). David Istance: Technology Use and Broader Models of Schooling and Learning — common arguments re-examined
- TIES2012 (XII). Educational policies on ICTs and educational innovation: Analysis of the programme Escuela 2.0
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #99, December 2011
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #100, January 2012
- e-Research: social media for social sciences (revisited)
- From micro-evolutions to macro-revolutions: ICTs in Education
- Professional qualification: ICT Space Facilitator
- e-Research: social media for social sciences
- Daniel Innerarity: Politics in the era of Networks
- Joan Balcells, Ana SofÃa Cardenal: The influence of the Internet on voting behaviour
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #95, August 2011
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #96, September 2011
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #97, October 2011
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #98, November 2011
- Announcement: Call for papers for the 8th International Conference on Internet Law & Politics
- Leadership in a digital age: networks, digital competence and social networks
- Reconsidering Teachers' Roles (I). Steve Wheeler: Learning and Teaching in the Digital Age
- Reconsidering Teachers' Roles (II). Signe Sutherland & David Pitcher: New Learning Team: Time for Creativity and Collaboration in Teacher Education
- Reconsidering Teachers' Roles (III). Douglas Thomas: Cultivating the imagination for a world of constant change
- Reconsidering Teachers' Roles (IV). Yehuda Elkana & Hannes Klöpper: Higher Education Curricula, Technology and the Changing Role of the Teacher in the 21st Century
- Reconsidering Teachers' Roles (V). Peter Baptist: Towards New Teaching of Mathematics - What Do We Learn from SINUS?
- Reconsidering Teachers' Roles (VI). Hanna Teräs: Using Authentic Learning and Social Media for Developing 21st Century Pedagogical Skills in Teacher Education
- Reconsidering Teachers' Roles (VII). Edem Adubra: Enhancing the status and professionalism of teachers in the digital age
- Reconsidering Teachers' Roles (VIII). Ichiya Nakamura & Janak Bhimani: Enhancing the creativity of children through the use of digital video technology
- Reconsidering Teachers' Roles (IX). Ferran Ruiz Tarragó: The Usual Suspects? Teachers, Their Challenges and Development
- Reconsidering Teachers' Roles (X). Jordi Blanch i Hughet, Jordi Moral i Ajado & Diego Haro Nieto: IOC: an Experience in Changing Roles of Teachers and Students
- Reconsidering Teachers' Roles (XI). Teresa Guash & Guillermo Bautista: Training new teachers for Secondary Education: trying out changes and improvements
- Reconsidering Teachers' Roles (XII). Julià Minguillón: Conclusions of the UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning VIII International Seminar
- ICTlogy.net: 8th anniversary
- Communication and Civil Society (I). Politics in the Internet age (I)
- Communication and Civil Society (II). Politics in the Internet age (II)
- Communication and Civil Society (III). John Perry Barlow: Net neutrality struggle and new movements in the digital era (I)
- Communication and Civil Society (IV). Net neutrality struggle and new movements in the digital era (II)
- Communication and Civil Society (V). The transformations of Civil Society in the Information and Knowledge Society
- Communication and Civil Society (VI). The incidence of the new social movements. Exploring new fields for political action
- Communication and Civil Society (VII). The limits of the mass media and the emergence of mass self-communication in the digital age
- Microblogging as a collaborative tool in the virtual classrooms
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (I). Christopher T. Marsden: Network Neutrality
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (II). The Net Neutrality debate: The Policy Options
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (III). The Net Neutrality debate: Stakeholders’ perspective
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (IV). Net Neutrality: communications
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (V). Intellectual Property Rights on the Internet
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VI). Fundamental rights, freedoms and liability on the Internet
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VII). Javier de la Cueva: Conclusions for day 1
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VIII). Cécile de Terwangne: Internet Privacy and the Right to Be Forgotten
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (IX). Internet Privacy and the Right to Be Forgotten
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (X). Right to be forgotten, data protection and privacy
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (XI). e-Government and e-Democracy
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (XII). Javier de la Cueva: Conclusions for day 2
- Volunteering from home, the office or the train: online volunteering, social networking sites and smartphones
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #92, May 2011
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #93, June 2011
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #94, July 2011
- Analyzing digital literacy with a single simple tweet
- Web 2.0 tools for the development of professional skills
- Striving behind the shadow: the dawn of Spanish Politics 2.0
- The paradox of Sharism, or how a cool idea will pay my mortgage
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #91, April 2011
- Isaac Mao: Sharism, Philosophy and New Economic Models
- The disempowering Goverati: e-Aristocrats or the Delusion of e-Democracy
- Goverati and media literacy: from empowerment to governance
- Introduction to Web 2.0 for e-Participation
- Thesis defence. Adolfo Estalella: Assemblages of hope
- From teaching institutions to learning people
- The Network Society: rights, policies and the exercise of democracy
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #89, February 2011
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #90, March 2011
- Citizens in a Knowledge Society: rethinking education from scratch
- Democracy and the power of the individual (I): a position paper
- Democracy and the power of the individual (II): afterthoughts
- Native Latin teacher wanted. Linking personal teaching and learning strategies on the Net
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #87, December 2010
- Empowerment and Governance in the Information Society (I): the hourglass of information power
- Empowerment and Governance in the Information Society (II): digerati, goverati and the role of ICT4D
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #88, January 2011
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #86, October 2010
- Posters a the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development — ICTD2010
- ICTD2010 (I). Round table: the future of ICT4D research
- ICTD2010 (II). How can ICT research better inform and communicate theories of development and globalization? New challenges and promising directions
- ICTD2010 (III). ICTD 2.0. Peer production and development
- ICTD2010 (IV). From digital inclusion to information literacy
- ICTD2010 (V). Decision making and accountability: citizen-centred ICT platforms?
- ICTD2010 (VI). ICT and Development in Africa
- ICTD2010 (VII). Mobile Phones and Development
- ICTD2010 (VIII). Meaning and ICTD
- ICTD2010 (IX). Keynote Speech: Tim Berners-Lee
- ICTD2010 (X). Geoff Walsham: Development Informatics in a Changing World
- ICTD2010 (XI). Technology Sharing in Education
- ICTD2010 (XII). Kits and Systems
- ICTD2010 (XIII). Rarer Themes in Education
- ICTD2010 (XIV). From ICT to Impact?
- ICTD2010 (XV). Gadgets
- ICTD2010 (XVI). Development Theory 'Teach-In'
- ICTD2010 (XVII). Technology 'Teach-In'
- ICTD2010 (XVIII). Publishing ICT4D Research
- ICTD2010 (XIX). South to North: A fishbowl on the transferability of ICTs in income-poor countries to income-rich countries (debating applicability, methods, policies)
- ICTD2010 (XX). Donor Voices
- Deconstructing the Book: The Drumbeat series as a Pliego
- Open Educational Resources: the reality of shared knowledge
- Personal Learning Environments: blurring the edges of formal and informal learning. An experiment with Anthologize.
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #85, October 2010
- Larry Cuban. Perennial dilemmas policymakers and practitioners face in the adoption and classroom use of ICT: the U.S. experience
- Heavy switchers in translearning: From formal learning to an effective use of the PLE
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #84, September 2010
- UOC Tech Talks. Eduardo Manchón: Social Networks and Innovation
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (I). Jill Attewell: Mobilising technology for learning — lessons from MoLeNET
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (II). Steve Vosloo: mLearning in Africa: Lessons from the m4Lit project
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (III). Dolors Reig: Mobile Learning in rural environments and development countries
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (IV). Miguel Nussbaum: Integrating technology and pedagogy in the classroom
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (V). Fernando Moreira: A Blended Mobile Learning Model-Context Oriented (BML-CO)
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (VI). Thomas Putz: The "Mobile Game Based Learning" Project
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (VII). Matthew Kam: Mobile Phones and Language Literacy in Rural Developing Regions
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (VIII). John B. Stav & Gabrielle Hansen-Nygård: Promoting Interaction and Engagement in Education and Training by use of iPod/iPhone
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (IX). Carolina Jeux: Analysis of the m-learning practices in Telefónica regarding its different stakeholders: Employees and Families, Customers and Society
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (X). Claudia Aparicio: Requirements and opportunities for the development of a mobile learning strategy in emergent countries
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (XI). Magà Almirall: Learning technologies in mobile scenarios
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (XII). John Traxler: Mobiles for Learning in Africa.... Too Good to be True?
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (XIII). Social and Ethical Issues in Education Technologies
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (XIV). Julià Minguillón: Closing remarks for the Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development seminar
- Deinstitutionalizing education
- Research Seminar. Beyond ICT access: what kind of integration for ‘connected migrants’?
- From non-formal learning to casual learning
- ICTlogy.net: 7th anniversary
- Browsing ICT4D Authors Visually
- New learning contents and platforms
- Learning assessment and accreditation in the Information Society
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #83, August 2010
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (I). Tim Unwin: Impact Assessment
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (II). Gender
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (III). e-Agriculture
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (IV). Rural Communities
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (V). Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol: Practical research: mobile telephony and development
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VI). Online Communities
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VII). Javier Simó: Observing the EHAS-URJC case: symbiosis among ICT4D projects, research and postgraduate teaching
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VIII). e-Government
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (IX). Vanessa FrÃas-Martinez: Telco Industry Research in ICTD: Telefónica R&D, mobiles and development
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (X). ICT in Education (I)
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (XI). ICT in Education (II)
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (XII). Lucas Pardo: netWORKS
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (XIII). e-Health
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (XIV). Entrepreneurship and management
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (XV). Networks
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (XVI). Matti Tedre: In Search of the Elusive ICT4D
- Internet, Politics, Policy (I). Arthur Lupia: An impact Assessment
- Internet, Politics, Policy (II). Political Participation and Petitioning
- Internet, Politics, Policy (III). Participation in Politics and Policy-making
- Internet, Politics, Policy (IV). Comparative Campaigning (I)
- Internet, Politics, Policy (V). Campaigning: UK2010 Election
- Internet, Politics, Policy (VI). Digital Divides
- Internet, Politics, Policy (VII). Internet Governance (II)
- Internet, Politics, Policy (VIII). Viktor Mayer-Schönberger: Delete. The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age
- Francesc Pedró: Between Conservatism and Messianism: Is Technology Really Changing Student Expectations in Higher Education?
- Fostering ICTs: reasons why and reasons to doubt
- Announcement: UNESCO Chair in e-Learning VII International Seminar: Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #82, July 2010
- The Workings of a Personal Learning Environment (I): the infrastructure
- The Workings of a Personal Learning Environment (II): the information workflow
- The Workings of a Personal Learning Environment (III): the institutional fit
- Horizon Report: Ibero-American Edition 2010
- Baumol in the classrooom or the industrialization of education
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (I). Ronald Leenes: Privacy in the Cloud, a Misty Topic?
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (II). Pau Garcia-Milà : Myths and Realities of Cloud Computing
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (III). Key Legal Aspects for Putting your Business in the Cloud
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (IV). Cloud Computing: A New Dimension in Teleworking?
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (V). Karin Deutsch Karlekar: The State of Freedom on the Net
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (VI). From Electronic Administration to Cloud Administration
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (VII). Cyber-crime prosecution
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (VIII). Citizen Participation in the Cloud
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #81, June 2010
- #talkingabout: Jordi Adell and Ismael Peña-López on Personal Learning Environments
- The Dichotomies in Personal Learning Environments and Institutions
- PLE Conference 2010 - Ismael Peña-López Interview
- PLEs and Workplace
- Mapping the PLE-sphere
- Anouncement: 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference on Cloud Computing
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #80, May 2010
- Introducing the Hybrid Institutional-Personal Learning Environment (HIPLE)
- The Hybrid Institutional-Personal Learning Environment (HIPLE) into practice: an example with Twitter
- Workshop on youth participation in youth policies. Monograph on ICTs (I): Challenges and opportunities
- Workshop on youth participation in youth policies. Monograph on ICTs (II): Tools, applications and cases
- Interview: Introducing the HIPLE: Hybrid Institutional-Personal Learning Environment
- e-Readiness and measuring the Information Society 101
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #79, April 2010
- EDem10: Andy Williamson. Disruption and Empowerment: Embedding Citizens at the Heart of Democracy
- EDem10: Ismael Peña-López. Goverati: e-Aristocrats or the delusion of e-Democracy
- EDem10: e-Democracy and Open Government
- EDem10: Network Society
- EDem10: Momentum Project
- EDem10. Micah L. Sifry: The Promise and Contradictions of E-Democracy, Obama Style
- EDem10. Stevan Harnad: Open Access to Research: Changing Researcher Behavior through University and Funder Mandates
- EDem10. Transparency & Governance
- EDem10. Social Networking Tools supporting constructive Involvement throughout the Policy-Cycle
- EDem10. e-Democracy
- PEP-NET interview on the Goverati
- EDem interview: 5 Words to eDemocracy
- Research in ICT4D: the convergence of social sciences and technology
- ICT4HD. Round Table. Research for Development. Where is it heading in the ICT context?
- ICT4HD. Round Table. What is the role of Latin America on Research on ICT4D?
- ICT4HD. Ismael Peña-López: The role of governments in promoting the Information Society for reducing the Digital Divide
- ICT4HD. Experiences in Research on ICT4D within the Master Telecommunication Networks for Developing Countries
- ICT4HD. ValentÃn Villarroel: Conclusions of the first day
- ICT4HD. Ermanno Pietrosémoli: The ICTP-UNESCO Wireless Training Kit
- ICT4HD. Christopher Westrup: Contribution of Social Research on ICT4D
- ICT4HD. Ramon Roca: Guifi.net: Success Case of Participative Communications Networks
- ICT4HD. Eric Brewer: Contributions of Technical Research on ICT4D
- ICT4HD. Round Table. What is the role of private companies on Research in ICT4D?
- Social networking sites: a window to the community
- Mobile Home
- IPID ICT4D Posgraduate Conference 2010: Call for communications
- Enrico Carloni: e-Administration and Transparency: the diffusion of public information on the Internet
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #78, March 2010
- The micro and macro approaches of ICTs in Education
- Searching information on the Internet: legal implications
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #77, February 2010
- Open Data and Social Media Government
- Centralization vs. decentralitacion in Government and Education
- Funnelling concepts in Education 2.0: PLE, e-Portfolio, Open Social Learning
- ICT4D Tweetmap
- ICT4D Calendar
- The two divides in digital access: income and refuseniks
- UOC Tech Talks. Kul Wadhwa: Online strategies and New Business Models: the Wikimedia phenomenon
- Goverati: An alternative to representative democracy?
- ITU, Measuring the Information Society 2010: the digital divide is not narrowing
- Home
- ict4dblog
- ICTlogy.net refurbished: focus on the personal research portal
- Framing the Digital Divide in Higher Education
- Bruce Bimber: Collective Action within Organizations in the Age of Digital Media
- A catalogue and a taxonomy of online participation tools. Request for comments.
- EDem10 – eDemocracy Conference 2010: announcement, CFP and speech
- Jordi PuiggalÃ: Citizen security in electronic environments. The case of electronic voting
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #76, January 2010
- Will the iPad pave the path towards e-Government? A comment to Andrea DiMaio
- De-institutionalizing education
- eAsia2009 (I): Plenary Session, Track 2, pt.1
- eAsia2009 (II): Plenary Session, Track 2, pt.2
- eAsia2009 (III): Telecentres and their role in socio-economic empowerment
- eAsia2009 (IV): Current status and future of global lecentre movement
- eAsia2009 (V): The Asian telecentre movement: the role of networks and their future
- eAsia2009 (VI): Impact of mobile telephony on telecentres
- eAsia2009 (VII): New Trends and Innovations in Technology for Telecentres
- eAsia2009 (VIII): Building capacity among telecentre operators for sustaining telecentres
- eAsia2009 (IX): Case studies of innovative applications and practitioners of the Global Telecentre Movement
- eAsia2009 (X): Empowering telecentres with appropriate content and services for the next five years
- eAsia2009 (XI): Closing Session of the Telecentre Forum
- Cristina Lafont: Deliberative democracy: religion in the public sphere. Deliberative obligations of the democratic citizenry
- A definition of Politics 2.0
- Predictions for Social Media in 2010
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #74, November 2009
- PEW: The Future of the Internet IV
- A bibliography on Spanish online politics and Politics 2.0
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #75, December 2009
- Three approaches of ICTs in development and an alert on leapfrogging
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #73, October 2009
- Pekka Himanen: The Hacker Ethic: The Way Forward after the Current Global Economic Crisis
- Inclusion in the Network Society: the role of telecentres
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #71, August 2009
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #72, September 2009
- IV Congress of CyberSociety: Digital Indicators for the Information Society
- UOC Tech Talks. Jessica Colaço: Mobile technology and social change
- ICTlogy.net: 6th anniversary
- Book: Difusión cientÃfica y las iniciativas de Acceso Abierto
- Public Internet Access Points: impact vs. sustainability
- II Conferencia Internacional Brecha Digital e Inclusión Social
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (I): Social Impact of Technologies
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (II): Web 2.0 Applications and Access to ICTs in Information Systems
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (III): Organizations and institutions before the digital divide: model development and good practices
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (IV): Trends and advances before the digital divide: assessment systems and good practices
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (V): Knowledge management and ICT in Health
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (VI): Information and technology in the Health system: Initiatives and good practices
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (VII): Education for the Knowledge Society through Social Inclusion
- PhD Thesis Defence: Measuring digital development for policy-making: Models, stages, characteristics and causes
- Fourth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (I). Matti Tedre: A New Educational Program in Tanzania
- Fourth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (II). Governance and Nation Building
- Fourth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (III). ICT4D Research Workshop
- Fourth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (IV). Thecnologies and mobile technologies
- Fourth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (V). ICTs and Health and Rural Development
- Fourth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VI). ICTs and Communication Workshop
- Fourth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VII). Ken Banks: Making an Impact. The Role of Mobile Phones in the Developing World
- Fourth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VIII). Social Issues and Partnerships
- Fourth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (IX). Specialized Areas Workshop
- Fourth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (X). Inclusion and Remote Communities
- Fourth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (XI). Paolo Brunello: Netmap Workshop
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #69, June 2009
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #70, July 2009
- ICTs, Development, disciplines and acronyms
- 5th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (I). James Grimmelmann: Saving Facebook
- 5th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (II). Social Networking Sites and individual rights
- 5th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (III). Data protection and Social Networking Sites
- 5th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (IV). Daithà Mac Sithigh: Law Track Gather Up
- 5th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (V). Access to public information and Social Networking Sites
- 5th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (VI). Policies for a safer Internet
- 5th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (VII). Political participation and Social Networking Sites
- 5th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (VIII). Daithà Mac Sithigh: Politics Track Gather Up
- Digital Divide and e-Participation: a bibliography
- Digital Competences (I). Boris Mir: The digital competence as a methodological competence
- Digital Competences (II). José Manuel Pérez Tornero: Criteria for Media Literacy Levels
- Digital Competences (III). Ismael Peña-López: Goverati. New competencies for politics, government and participation
- Digital Competences (IV). Jesús MartÃnez & Dolors Reig: Communities of Practice in Public Administrations. Compartim programme and digital competences
- Digital Competences (V). Howard Rheingold: Participatory Media and Participatory Pedagogy
- Digital Competences (VI). Joan Torrent: Electronic skill-biased technological change (e-SBTC), enterprise and work
- Digital Competences (VII). Gerard Vélez and Laura Rosillo: La Caixa, from e-Learning to collective intelligence
- Digital Competences (VIII). Cristóbal Cobo: e-Competences in the European Framework: literacies in the XXIst Century
- Conference Reviews
- Live-blogging and conference reviews
- PhD Thesis Defence and Acknowledgements
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #68, May 2009
- Darwin at the Information Society: adaptation (and benefits) or extinction
- Social network analysis: new forms of knowledge visualization
- Educator.com, or the pros and cons of video-lecturing
- Working Session on Open Social Learning (I). Marc Alier: Open Social Learning?
- Working Session on Open Social Learning (II). Rubén DÃaz: Diagnosis and Perspective
- Working Session on Open Social Learning (III). Dolors Reig: Open Social Learning in Spain. Clarifying Concepts
- The Network of the People
- How can eResearch contribute to enhance Research?
- Gender Evaluation for Social Change
- Open Science: redefining the boundaries of the Academy
- Digital competences: Knowledge, skills and attitudes for the Network Society
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #66, March 2009
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #67, April 2009
- Measuring digital development for policy-making: Models, stages, characteristics and causes. The role of the government
- Anouncement: 5th Internet, Law and Political Science Congress
- Policies to increase ICT usage in developed countries
- Rachel K. Gibson: 2.0 electoral campaigns: how do the new web tools reconfigure local electoral campaigns?
- Perspectives of the future and prospectives about the role of the Net in Educational Innovation
- Manuel Castells: Politics and Internet in Obama era
- Citizen politics (I): Jordi Segarra: New and old strategies of political communication
- Citizen politics (II): E-Electoral Politics
- Citizen politics (III): Parties and Elections in the US
- Citizen politics (IV): New Mobilization Strategies
- Citizen politics (V): Impacts on Knowledge and Participation
- Citizen politics (VI): Online Public Sphere
- Citizen politics (VII): Round Table
- Docencia
- Docència
- Teaching
- Affiliations
- Afiliaciones
- Afiliacions
- Cristóbal Cobo: e-competence in the European Framework: 21st century literacies
- The end of paper, open gates to on-time democracy (not about journalism)
- Research
- Investigación
- Recerca
- World Development Indicators 2009: a commentary (part I)
- World Development Indicators 2009: a commentary (part II)
- Mobiles in developing countries: hope or mirage?
- Visual methods: Knowledge production and ways of representation
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #65, February 2009
- ITU's new ICT Development Index
- Digital Divide, Government and ICTs for Education
- Towards a comprehensive definition of digital skills
- Access to knowledge and digital divide
- e-STAS 2009 (I). Interview to Carlos Argüello
- e-STAS 2009 (II). Empowerment for Social Innovation
- e-STAS 2009 (III). Battle of experiences between Ken Banks and Christian Kreutz
- e-STAS 2009 (IV). Round Table: Luis Millán Vázquez, Bárbara Navarro, Fernando Bothelo & Martin Alee Konzett
- e-STAS 2009 (V). Round Table: Jorge de la Hidalga, Millán Berzosa, Jorge Pascua, Óscar Espritusanto, Pedro Cluster
- e-STAS 2009 (VI). Workshop: The hurdle track from ICT to Human Development
- e-STAS 2009 (VII). Round Table: John LeSieur, Vivek Vaidyanathan, Raul Zambrano
- e-STAS 2009 (VIII). Conclusions
- e-STAS 2009 (IX). Interview to Jack Dorsey
- I+C+i. Liberty, equality and P2P (part I)
- I+C+i. Liberty, equality and P2P (part II)
- Contacte
- Last posts
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #64, January 2009
- Najat Rochdi: Innovating in the Use of ICT for Human Development: the Key in the Transition to a New Phase in ICT4D
- John Dryden: ICT Mainstreaming and the Quality of Development Cooperation
- ICT and the Quality of the Spanish Development Cooperation in the New 2009-2012 Programming Cycle
- Najet Teutit: Digital Solidarity: New Forms of Solidarity for Development
- Innovation and Local Creativity
- Worshops DEMO: GONG Project, management software for NGOs
- Vikas Nath: Cooperation Agencies or Cooperation Networks?
- Multistakeholder Networks and Multi-Network Actors in Development
- Centres for Research and Innovation Development and for ICT
- Kentaro Toyama: Research on ICT for Human Development
- University and ICT4D
- Stéphane Boyera: Mobile Phone for Human Development?
- Innovative Uses of Mobile ICTs for Development
- Development Cooperation 2.0 2009: conclusions
- Voluntariado virtual: e-learning para el desarrollo
- Voluntariado virtual: acción social en la Sociedad Red
- Derrick de Kerckhove: Digital Natives (and immigrants) and the potential pathologies
- The personal research portal: web 2.0 driven individual commitment with open access
- e-Research: opportunities and challenges for social sciences
- Francis Pisani: The Alchemy of Crowds
- i-ICT4D: 8 years in 5 minutes
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #63, December 2008
- Internet, Health and Society: Analyses of the uses of the Internet related to Health in Catalonia
- Announcement. Development Cooperation 2.0: II International Meeting on ICT for Development Coopeartion
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #62, November 2008
- Mobile Web for Development
- Howard Rheingold: Online Social Networks
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #61, October 2008
- Telecenter 2.0 and Community Building
- Open EdTech Summit (I). Panel: Trends in Education
- Open EdTech Summit (II). Brainwriting and Brainstorming: Personalization of the Learning Process
- Open EdTech Summit (III). Converging session: Personalization of the Learning Process
- Open EdTech Summit (IV). Conclusions
- UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Fifth International Seminar (I). Tim Unwin: ICT4D as a tool to fight the digital divide
- UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Fifth International Seminar (II). Teemu Leinonen: Wikiversity
- UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Fifth International Seminar (IV). Susan E. Metros: Visual Literacy in the Age of the Big Picture
- UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Fifth International Seminar (V). Sugata Mitra: Hole in the Wall
- UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Fifth International Seminar (VI). Linda Roberts: Curriki
- UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Fifth International Seminar (VII). Round Table: the Fight against the Digital Divide in Spain
- UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Fifth International Seminar (VIII). Reflections & Conclusions
- Course: Network Society: Social changes, organizations and citizens - Definitive programme
- Seminar: Recent Intellectual Property issues in Internet Service Providers
- Demand based ICT4D policies and the role of the ICT sector as a development locomotive
- Research Blogs and Blogging for Science Diffusion
- Tim Berners-Lee: doctor honoris causa
- Network Society course (I). Juan Freire: About the importance of the Network Society
- Network Society course (II). Irene Mia: State of development of the Networked Society
- Network Society course (III). Enrique Dans: Organizations in the Network Society (I)
- Network Society course (IV). Santiago Ortiz: Organizations in the Network Society (II)
- Network Society course (V). Carol Darr: Citizenry in the Network Society (I)
- Network Society course (VI). Tom Steinberg: Citizenry in the Network Society (II)
- Network Society course (VII). Josu Jon Imaz & Miquel Iceta: Communication in the Network Society (I)
- Network Society course (VIII). Andrew Rasiej: Communication in the Network Society (II)
- Network Society course (IX). Gumersindo Lafuente: Communication in the Network Society (III)
- Network Society course (X). Carlos Domingo: Innovation in the Network Society (I)
- Network Society course (XI). Ethan Zuckerman: Innovation in the Network Society (II)
- Network Society course (XII). Round Table
- ICTs, development and government: from e-Readiness to e-Awareness
- ICTs, development and e-government 2.0: empowering the citizenry
- ICTlogy.net: 5th anniversary
- Announcement: UOC UNESCO Chair in E-Learning Fifth International Seminar. Fighting the digital divide through education
- Towards e-Government 2.0: Review of the IV Internet, Law and Politics Congress - Political Track
- Accessibility and Digital Inclusion: the role of Digital Literacy
- From Social Networks to Virtual Communities of Practice. Beyond e-Inclusion through Digital Literacy (I): the Case of the Crafting Community
- From Social Networks to Virtual Communities of Practice. Beyond e-Inclusion through Digital Literacy (II): the Case of the Catalan e-Justice Community
- Tuning personal competencies to the Information Society
- Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (I). Tim Unwin: ICT4D - where next?
- Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (II). Thematic session 1: IT governance, participation, e-learning, m-development
- Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (III). Thematic session 2: Education
- Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (IV). Thematic session 3: sustainability and performance
- Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (V). Erkki Sutinen: Innovations workshop
- Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VI). Seugnet Blignaut: ICT development in South Africa, a comparison between Finland and South Africa using SITES 2006 project data
- Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VII). Thematic session 4: impact measurement
- Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VIII). Thematic session 5: Regulation, Education, Wireless
- Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (IX). Thematic session 6: Education, Agriculture
- Hints for a literature review for an e-Readiness assessment on Ethiopia
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #59, August 2008
- ICTs and Citizenship
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #60, September 2008
- Announcement. Call for Candidates and Fellowships at the PhD on the Information and Knowledge Society, Open University of Catalonia
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #58, July 2008
- Summer tidy up: ICT4D Courses
- The digital war on poverty is not won. A comment to Jeffrey Sachs
- Towards a comprehensive model of the Digital Economy
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #57, June 2008
- Seminar. José Manuel Robles: Political engagement and ideology of Spanish Internet users
- Book: Science Dissemination using Open Access
- Richard Stallman: Free Software and Beyond
- Stephen Downes: The Future of Education
- Sobre Mi v5.0 (acadèmic)
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #56, May 2008
- 4th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (I). Eben Moglen: Living Apart Together: Social Networking in the Free World
- 4th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (II). Regulation of audiovisual content in the age of digital convergence
- 4th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (III). Content on the internet: regulation or self-regulation?
- 4th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (IV). Lorenzo Cotino: Electronic public services: e-government 2.0. The Regulation of E-Government 2.0
- 4th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (V). Helen Margetts: Government on the Web
- 4th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VI). Public opinion and participation on the internet: blogs and political parties
- 4th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VII). Electoral strategies on the Internet
- 4th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VIII). Towards citizenship 2.0?
- Collaborative Networks: Towards the Social Network
- Announcement. Course: Network Society: Social changes, organizations and citizens
- Jornades de la Penedesfera: Blogs, Freedom and Governance
- Jane C. Ginsburg: Separating the Sony Sheep from the Grokster Goats: the Future of Copyright-Dependent Technology Entrepreneurs
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #55, April 2008
- The relationships of Freedom and the Digital Divide or the importance of (free) Blogs
- iCities (Ia). Opening Session: Digital Citizens vs. Analogue Institutions
- iCities (Ib). Opening Session: Intelligent Cities & Plan Avanza.
- iCities (II). Round Table: Innovation and Change. Is it possible to make the citizen's life easier?
- iCities (III). Case Study: Gijón. The Connected City.
- iCities (IV). Round Table: mGovernment. The Mobile Phone and its integration in e-Government
- iCities (V). Round Table: Connected Citizens. Cyberactivism.
- iCities (VI). Round Table: Journalism on the Net
- iCities (VII). Round Table: Networked Citizens. Blogs, Where to?
- iCities (VIII). Round Table: Eager Citizens. Entrepreneurs.
- iCities (IX). Debate: The Handbook of the blog in the enterprise.
- iCities (X). Round Table: The Limits of 2.0
- iCities (XI). Round Table: Free Software in the Administration
- Towards e-Health 2.0? Health and Web 2.0 in the Information Age
- Digital students, analogue institutions, teachers in extinction
- Blogs for e-Government: sufficient condition, but not necessary
- Keys to the Success of Digitally Advanced Societies
- Analogue Teachers vs. Digital Students
- Announcement: 4th Internet, Law and Politics Congress
- Development of the Information Society: After Infrastructures, Pull Strategies
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #54, March 2008
- Content Assessment Systems
- Seminar: The Personal Research Portal: The Virtual Faculty or the Net behind the Classroom
- Internet Access in Schools and Quality of the Educational System
- e-Readiness in post-conflict and developing countries: a reflection (part I)
- e-Readiness in post-conflict and developing countries: a reflection (part II)
- Understanding online volunteering: microvoluntarios.org
- BibCiter v1.1: bibliographic manager with plugin for WordPress
- e-STAS 2008 (I). Raul Zambrano: ICTs, Digital Divide and Social Inclusion
- e-STAS 2008 (II). Round Table: The role of the Third Sector to achieve the Socio-Digital Inclusion
- e-STAS 2008 (III). Round Table: The role of the Public Sector to achieve the Socio-Digital Inclusion
- e-STAS 2008 (IV). Round Table: The role of Enterprises to achieve the Socio-Digital Inclusion
- e-STAS 2008 (V). Workshop: web programmes and content
- e-STAS 2008 (VI). Communications
- e-STAS 2008 (VII). Round Table: The role of Social Networks and Citizenry to achieve Socio-Digital Inclusion
- e-STAS 2008 (VIII). Last reflections. On access as a dependent variable.
- Surrending to foster the Information Society: cyberskeptics, cyberoptimists, swindlers and cyberblinds
- e-Readiness: how aggregates forget inequality
- Challenging the digital divide: the role of telecenters in e-inclusion practices
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #52, January 2008
- Introduction to the Open Paradigm
- Cheap technologies for Developing Countries
- The Personal Research Portal, at the Open Source Business Resource
- e-Stas 2008: symposium on technologies for social action
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #53, February 2008
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #51, December 2007
- The Teacher's Personal Portal: the Virtual Faculty or the Net behind the Classrooms
- Universities and Telecenters: perfect partners
- Economic Benefits of ICTs
- Thank you OLPC, indeed — a comment to Teemu Leinonen
- Fostering the Information Society for Development in the Web 2.0 framework: from push to pull strategies — the case of Spain
- The scarcely relevant practice of chat rooms and social networking sites
- Martha Cleveland-Innes: Faculty views on disciplinary differences in online higher education
- Development Cooperation 2.0 (I): Manuel Acevedo: The challenges of the integration of ICTs in a networked cooperation
- Development Cooperation 2.0 (II): Round Table: Opportunities and Challenges of ICT integration in Development Cooperation
- Development Cooperation 2.0 (III): Florencio Ceballos: IDRC: Learnings, limitations and challenges from the telecentre.org experience
- Development Cooperation 2.0 (IV): Working groups: Networking Cooperation — towards the networked Cooperation
- Development Cooperation 2.0 (V): Communications
- Development Cooperation 2.0 (VI): Round Table: ICTs in the policies and strategies of Development Cooperation
- Development Cooperation 2.0 (VII): Conclusions
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #50, November 2007
- Conferences 2.0: Scientists and Web 2.0
- Web 2.0 and the Digital Divide
- The Personal Research Portal
- Open Seminar 2.0
- Cooperation for Development 2.0
- ALT-C 2008: Rethinking the digital divide
- John Seely Brown: Innovation is around the corner: Learning in the digital age
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #49, October 2007
- Skills of an expert knower 2.0/leaner 2.0
- CV
- Dialogue: Regulatory Frameworks for Improving Access
- Seminar: Reconsidering the analysis of the uses of ICTs by political parties: an application to the Catalan case
- ICTs for development: from e-Readiness to e-Awareness
- Web 2.0 and Telecentres for e-Inclusion
- Digital Natives, Web 2.0 and Development
- Uses and Challenges of ICTs in Nonprofits
- Web4Dev conference: main ICT4D issues pointed out
- Rich-Media Webcasting Technologies for Science Dissemination Workshop
- OECD Communications Outlook 2007
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #48, September 2007
- Open Access: the common ground for Science, Education and Development
- Survey of ICT and Education in Africa
- Web 2.0 and Education Seminar (I): Phil Long: Web 2.0 and education: an overall look
- Web 2.0 and Education Seminar (II): Juan Freire: Web 2.0: institutional challenges
- Web 2.0 and Education Seminar (III): Larry Johnson: Second Life as an educational space
- Web 2.0 and Education Seminar (IV): Graham Attwell: Web 2.0, Personal Learning Environments and the future of schooling
- Web 2.0 and Education Seminar (V): Ambjörn Naeve: The Human Semantic Web - Increasing the Global Organizational Performance of Humanity Inc.
- Web 2.0 and Education Seminar (VI): Brian Lamb: It's all coming apart
- Web 2.0 and Education Seminar (VII): Carmen Candioti, Jordi Vivancos, Ismael Peña-López: Web 2.0 and the role of the public sector
- Web 2.0 and Education Seminar (VIII): Conclusions
- Update to Wordpress 2.3
- The Benefits of Scholarly Blogging or the 4th Anniversary of ICTlogy
- Automatic Recordings via EyA System to close the Broadband Divide
- A Reader on Education 2.0
- Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (I): Bernie Hogan: Capturing Online Social Networks
- Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (II): Scott Lash: New Media and Knowledge Ontologies
- Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (III): Education 2.0
- Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (IV): Research 2.0
- Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (V): Charles Leadbeater: We Think
- Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (VI): Andrew Keen: The Cult of the Amateur
- Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (VII): Community 2.0
- Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (VIII): Research 2.0 (II)
- Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (IX): Research 2.0 (III) and Education 2.0 (II)
- Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (X): Ian Forrester: Beyond the broadcast (trends and patterns moving forward)
- Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (XI): George Ritzer: Theorizing Web 2.0
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #47, August 2007
- Web2forDev 2007 (I): Anriette Esterhuysen: Keynote speech
- Web2forDev 2007 (II): Plenary Sessions: Web 2.0 for Development
- Web2forDev 2007 (III): Knowledge Sharing for the Research Community
- Web2forDev 2007 (IV): Shared Virtual Spaces for Remote Stakeholder Collaboration
- Web2forDev 2007 (V): Plenary Sessions: Web 2.0 for Development (II)
- Web2forDev 2007 (VI): Plenary Sessions: Web 2.0 for Development (III)
- Web2forDev 2007 (VII): Knowledge Sharing for the Research Community (II)
- Web2forDev 2007 (VIII): Appropriate Technologies — Web 2.0 at the Grassroots
- Web2forDev 2007 (IX): Plenary Sessions: Web 2.0 for Development (IV)
- Web2forDev 2007 (X): Plenary Sessions: Web 2.0 for Development (V)
- Web2forDev 2007 (XI): Spatial Knowledge Sharing
- Web2forDev 2007 (XII): Closing Session
- Knowledge Management for Development article: "The personal research portal: web 2.0 driven individual commitment with open access for development"
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #46, July 2007
- About Me v5.0 (scholar)
- Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (I): Tim Unwin: ICT4D, a dialectic exploration
- Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (II). ICT in education/ e-Learning (I)
- Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (III). ICT in education/ e-Learning (II)
- Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (IV). Peace building, democracy and gender empowerment
- Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (V): Erkki Sutinen: Can an ICT professional be trained to spark innovation? Background for a contextualized ICT undergraduate program at Tumaini University, Iringa, Tanzania
- Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VI): Assessments and evaluation
- Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VII): Sustainability and partnership
- Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VIII): Creativity and e-learning revisited
- Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (IX): e-Health and eGovernment
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #45, June 2007
- OII Summer Doctoral Programme 2007 at the Berkman Center (Intro)
- OII SDP 2007 (I): Digital Natives
- OII SDP 2007 (II): The View From 50,000 Feet: The Future of the Net
- OII SDP 2007 (III): Internet Filtering
- OII SDP 2007 (IV): Divisive Technology: The Impact of Information Technology on Presidential Campaigning
- OII SDP 2007 (V): The Quest for the Perfect Search Engine
- OII SDP 2007 (VI): The Impact of Political Blogs on the American Electoral System
- OII SDP 2007 (VII): Old Media, New Media: Citizens, Journalism and the Net.
- OII SDP 2007 (VIII): Attentive Clusters and Info Bundles: Online Discourse Networks in the Blogosphere
- OII SDP 2007 (IX): Digital Identity
- OII SDP 2007 (X): Social Technologies and Ongoing Relationship Management
- OII SDP 2007 (XI): What is Private Data?
- OII SDP 2007 (XII): The Tools of Government in a Digital Age
- OII SDP 2007 (XIII): Privacy, Anonymity, and Identity
- OII SDP 2007 (XIV): Building the New e-Government
- OII SDP 2007 (XV): Ex ante or ex post Control: Net Neutrality in Europe
- OII SDP 2007 (XVII): Copyright 2010: The Future of Copyright
- OII SDP 2007 (XVI): Obama Girl Confronts the Future: New Media Literacies, Civic Engagement, and Participatory Culture
- OII SDP 2007 (Break): Visit to the MIT Media Lab and One Laptop per Child Foundation
- OII SDP 2007 (XVIII): Making the Tragedy of the Commons into a Comedy
- OII SDP 2007 (XIX): ‘Being There Together’ in Shared Virtual Environments and the Multiple Modalities of Online Connectedness
- OII SDP 2007 (XX): The impact of co-creation eliciting visuals on persuasion and meaning creation. The role of web 2.0 voting and annotation mechanisms as a possible facilitator in meaning creation processes.
- OII SDP 2007 (XXI): Pirates of the Caribbean
- OII SDP 2007 (XXII): Democracy, Reconciliation, and Technology
- OII SDP 2007 (XXIII): Designing for Place-Based Social Interaction of Urban Residents in México, South Africa and Australia
- OII SDP 2007 (XXIV): Network or Divide: Building Community Knowledge Infrastructure through E-Agriculture
- OII SDP 2007 (XXV): Unpeeling the layers of the digital divide: category thresholds and relationships within composite indices
- OII SDP 2007 (XXVI): Getting Others to Innovate for You: Perspective on an Emerging Paradigm of Distributed Innovation
- OII SDP 2007 (XXVII): The Effect of IP Rights/Incentives on the Motivational Culture of Innovative Activity
- OII SDP 2007 (XXVIII): Cultivating the Commons on Flickr.com: Community 2.0
- OII SDP 2007 (XIX): The Social Structure of Open Source Developer Community
- OII SDP 2007 (XXX): Research Tools Brainstorming
- OII SDP 2007 (XXXI): Wikipedia & Peer Production
- OII SDP 2007 (XXXII): Noank Media
- OII SDP 2007 (XXXIII): Legal (and non-legal) approaches to the regulation of "web media"
- OII SDP 2007 (XXXIV): The End of Core: should disruptive innovation in telecom invoke discontinuous regulatory response?
- OII SDP 2007 (XXXIII): Summing up & what's next
- OII SDP 2007 (Epilogue): Last thoughts about Web Science and Academic Blogging or Why did not Academia came up with Wikipedia. And some acknowledgments too.
- New ICT4D Journal: International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development
- The Personal Research Portal: Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0
- II Conference on educational innovation: digital literacy
- Getting ICTs back on the agenda: five suggestions
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #44, May 2007
- The Personal Research Portal: Web2ForDev
- Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development Planned for October 2007
- e-Awareness and the invisibility of computers
- Project Internet Catalunya: education, digital divide, e-Awareness
- Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium
- Information for Development: (micro)tribute to Hans Rosling
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #43, April 2007
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #42, March 2007
- The 2007 e-readiness rankings: comments and critiques
- 3rd IDP Congress on Internet, Law and Politics. Briefings, part I: Jonathan Zittrain keynote speech
- 3rd IDP Congress on Internet, Law and Politics. Briefings, part II: Responsibility for content on the internet: state of the art and new perspectives
- 3rd IDP Congress on Internet, Law and Politics. Briefings, part III: The fundamental right to data protection: perspectives
- 3rd IDP Congress on Internet, Law and Politics. Briefings, part IV: Internet security
- 3rd IDP Congress on Internet, Law and Politics. Briefings, part V: The new frontiers of copyright
- 3rd IDP Congress on Internet, Law and Politics. Briefings, part VI: Electronic voting
- 3rd IDP Congress on Internet, Law and Politics. Briefings, part VII: The Law on e-Administration
- 3rd IDP Congress on Internet, Law and Politics. Briefings, part VIII: Use of technology among law professionals
- UNESCO Seminar on the Web2.0 and e-Learning. John Palfrey: Born Digital
- Trip to the Berkman Center and Yale Law School
- Highlights
- Book: Internet Governance. Issues, Actors and Divides
- Contact: sending message...
- World Information Society Report 2007 and Digital Opportunity Index 2007
- W3C International Workshop on the Mobile Web in Developing Countries
- Research about Online Volunteering at the Nonprofit Technology Conference 2007
- Bibliography: Technological grounds of the e-Administration
- Online Volunteers: Knowledge Managers in Nonprofits
- Book: Nonprofits & Technology: Emerging Research for Usable Knowledge
- Measuring the Information Society 2007: ICT Opportunity Index and World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators
- OII-IN3 Workshop on e-Government (part I)
- OII-IN3 Workshop on e-Government (part II)
- Workshop. Fostering Innovation in eGovernment (part I)
- Workshop. Fostering Innovation in eGovernment (part II)
- Workshop. Fostering Innovation in eGovernment (part III)
- Workshop. Fostering Innovation in eGovernment (part IV)
- What is broadband: a basket of products definition
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #41, February 2007
- e-Stas 2007 and the experts group on ICTs for nonprofits
- Benjamin M. Compaine: declare the war on the digital divide won... or just don't!
- UOC Doctoral Workshop: thesis projects presentations
- III Congress on Internet, Law and Political Science
- e-Stas: Expert group on the decalogue for ICTs for nonprofits
- e-Stas: briefings from the symposium on technologies for social action (I)
- e-Stas: briefings from the symposium on technologies for social action (II)
- e-Stas: briefings from the symposium on technologies for social action (III)
- Ben Compaine revisited: the digital divide is not (just) about infrastructures
- Reason for Not Subscribing to Internet Service
- 1st Catalan Congress on the Social Third Sector: conclusions for the ICT panel
- The Global Information Technology Report 2006-2007
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #40, January 2007
- A Reader on Open Access for Development
- Jakob Nielsen's Digital Divide: The Three Stages
- puntoOrg, the spanish TechSoup
- Definition of Free Cultural Works
- Intellectual property rights and Developing Countries
- Reminder: ICT4D Events
- Book: You Can Hear Me Now: How Microloans and Cell Phones are Connecting the World's Poor to the Global Economy
- Elasticity of ICTs and high-tech digital divide
- NGO-in-a-box: Open Publishing Edition
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #39, December 2006
- Master in e-Administration
- A quick guide to implementing ICT for development projects
- ITU "digital.life" report
- VoIP or the Voice Infrastructure Freedom
- The World Bank on ICT Infrastructures for Development
- BibCiter, new bibliography manager released
- Book: Information Communication Technologies and Human Development: Opportunities and Challenges
- Book: Technologies for Education: Potential, Parameters, and Prospects
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #37, October 2006
- ICT4D Wikibooks
- The Internet Bill of Rights, the Internet Governance and the Cyberspace Independence
- Human Development Report 2006. Beyond scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis
- Successful learning repositories
- ICT contributions for water crises v3.0
- Millennium Development Goals Indicators Dashboard
- United Nation's Benchmarking Tool
- UNCTAD: Information Economy Report 2006
- UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Third International Seminar. OER: Institutional Challenges - Report (I)
- UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Third International Seminar. OER: Institutional Challenges - Report (II)
- UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Third International Seminar. OER: Institutional Challenges - Report (III)
- Book: Mobile Communication and Society.
- Mobile Communication and Society: Interview with Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, coauthor
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #38, November 2006
- UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Third International Seminar. OER: Institutional Challenges
- eLearning Africa 2007
- Web 2.0 and diffusion of research: seminar review
- ICT4D Conferences
- Digital capacitation and Conference on the European Higher Education Area
- International Journal for Infonomics Special Issue: Measuring e-business for Development
- e-Justice: Justice in the Knowledge Society. Challenges for Latin American countries
- Online congress of the Observatory for Cybersociety (3rd edition)
- The 2.0 Teacher: teaching and research from the web
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #36, September 2006
- Site maintenance (I)
- Site maintenance (and II)
- Workshop: Personal Research Portal
- Book: How To Accelerate Your Internet: A practical guide to Bandwidth Management and Optimization using Open Source Software
- Book: Overselling the Web: Development and the Internet
- Position Paper for the Bazaar Seminar "Hey Dude, Where’s My Data?"
- Bazaar Seminar: Hey Dude, Where’s My Data? (Presentation and Scoping of Issues)
- Bazaar Seminar: Hey Dude, Where’s My Data? (Scoping of Issues II)
- Bazaar Seminar: Hey Dude, Where’s My Data? (Future)
- Google custom search for the field of ICT and Development
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #35, August 2006
- The PhD Student Network in ICT for Developing Regions
- Internet Governance Forum: an introduction
- Conference: Cooperation, Technology, Art
- Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (session 1)
- Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (session 2)
- Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (session 3)
- Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (session 4)
- Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (session 5)
- Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (session 6)
- Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (session 7)
- Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (session 8)
- Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (closing plenary)
- ICT/Telecommunication development in least developed countries
- Seed
- Book: Human Rights in the Global Information Society
- Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (presentations)
- Open Education 2006 (I): eduCommons and Creative Commons
- Open Education 2006 (II): eduCommons and MIT OpenCourseWare
- Open Education 2006 (III): OER in Europe and Nepal
- Open Education 2006 (IV): myOCW and Perpetual Education Fund
- Open Education 2006 (V): Mellon Foundation and China OER
- Open Education 2006 (VI): Mash-Ups, Sakai-OCW-eduCommons and OER suporting tools
- Open Education 2006 (VII): The Technology of Open Education
- Open Education 2006 (VIII): Benefits and Tools for Open Content
- Open Education 2006 (IX): Higher Education and OER Research
- Open Education 2006 (X): Documentation
- Open Education 2006 Conference
- The Hacker Revolution
- Digital Divide and Digital Literacy approaches
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #34, July 2006
- About UN-GAID
- ICT4D - Linking Policy to Community Outcomes
- UNESCO and Digital Content
- Test - skip
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #33, June 2006
- Course on the Digital Divide
- The Millennium Development Goals Report 2006: ICT and Digital Divide target
- World Information Society Report 2006 and Digital Opportunity Index 2006
- "e-Learning for Development: a model" 6,000 downloads
- The eInclusion Index - eIIx: A Riga Index
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #31, April 2006
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #32, May 2006
- OpenNet Initiative: Internet Filtering Map
- Book Review: The Dynamics of Technology for Social Change
- Information Society indexes
- ICT4D feeds
- Eben Moglen: Digital access as a human right
- Good ICT Practices and Monitoring the Digitial Divide
- Seminar: The Digital Divides or the third industrial revolution: concepts and figures
- Digital capacitation at UOC: technological literacy vs. Informational and functional competence
- Seminar: From e-Readiness to e-Awareness (or the way back)
- Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium
- Digital Divide mini-track at HICSS
- World Telecommunication/ICT Development Report 2006: digital divide narrowing?
- ICT4D: Trento seminars presentations
- II Congress on Internet, Law and Political Science
- Contacto
- Web 2.0 and diffusion of research (revisited and improved)
- Policy background papers for WSIS
- UNESCO IIEP Wiki on Open Educational Resources
- Call for help: ICT data and indicators
- Working papers on Digital Divide, the Spread of the Internet and Political Institutions
- Round table on Open Educational Resources with Susan D'Antoni
- Towards an African e-Index, and other resources
- The 2006 e-readiness rankings
- Last Mile vs. First Mile
- Book: Wireless Networking in the Developing World
- Development Maps
- Book: Village Phone Replication Manual
- Book: Access, Empowerment & Governance: Creating a World of Equal Opportunities with ICT
- ICT4D Journal: Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries
- Open Access at UOC
- Millennium Development Goals links
- WSIS Stocktaking and Golden Book
- ICT4D Courses
- Course: ICT4SD: Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainable Development
- Sobre Mí v5.0 (académico)
- Web 2.0 and diffusion of research
- Article: e-Learning para el desarrollo
- World Information Access 2006 Report
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #1, October 2003
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #2, November 2003
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #3, December 2003
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #4, January 2004
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #5, February 2004
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #6, March 2004
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #7, April 2004
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #8 May 2004
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #9, June 2004
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #10, July 2004
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #11, August 2004
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #12, September 2004
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #13, October 2004
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #14, November 2004
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #15, December 2004
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #16, January 2005
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #17, February 2005
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #18, March 2005
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #19, April 2005
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #20, May 2005
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #21, June 2005
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #22, July 2005
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #23, August 2005
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #24, Semptember 2005
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #25, October 2005
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #26, November 2005
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #27, December 2005
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #28, January 2006
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #29, February 2006
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, #30, March 2006
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D, (dummy)
- Networked Readiness Index vs. Human Development Index
- Knowledge Management for Development Journal Vol 1, No 3
- ICTlogy, review of ICT4D (ISSN 1886-5208)
- University ICT4D
- e-Readiness Bibliography
- Maplecroft maps: Global map of digital inclusion
- About ICTlogy v1.0
- Public policies for development and digital divide
- ICTlogy: ICT4D personal portal
- ICT4D Bibliography
- Course: Development and the Internet
- Update to Wordpress 2.0
- Forum: Open content for higher education
- About Me v1.0
- The Dept. of Communication at the U. of Washington ICT4D archive
- Negroponte and the Web 2.0 or the Four Classes of the Digital Divide
- Book: Information and Communications Technology for Sustainable Development
- Volunteering and Online Facilitation: resources
- Global Scan on Open (Collaborative) Content Projects
- Human Development Report 2005
- Sloan Semester
- Spanish National Volunteering Plan
- Fundación Bip-Bip: Report about the use of ICTs in NGOs
- ICT4D Conferences
- ICT4D Courses
- Undegraduate Course on Information and Communication Technologies for Development
- International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology Vol.1, No.2
- Internet World Stats
- An Introduction to Advocacy: A Training Guide
- Sobre ICTlogy
- Article: e-Learning for Development: a model
- Online Volunteers of the Year 2005
- ICT4D Journals
- 21st Century NGO
- International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
- Sakai 2.0
- LAMS and Moodle Integration
- Internet, a fundamental right?
- Myths About Online Volunteering
- Sobre Ismael.cat
- Setup
- Configuració
- Configuración
- Speeches and Communications
- ICT4D Wiki
- The frustrations of online students. Causes and preventative actions
- Please, No More Volunteer-Matching Web Sites
- ITU to bridge the digital divide: Connect the World
- FAO: new online education tool kit on agriculture
- World Development Indicators 2005 Report
- On-line training to developing countries: how to
- Contact
- New "Contact" section
- New look for ICTlogy
- I Jornadas sobre participación social y nuevas tecnologÃas: Cibervoluntariado y Ciberactivismo
- Reconceptualizing the Digital Divide
- The Digital Divide: ICT Development Indices 2004
- Results of future of FLOSSE
- RSC e-Toolbox
- CIVICUS Civil Society Toolkits
- Digital divide: what can cooperation for development do
- Three ideological reasons why people blog (and wiki)
- II Conference Internet and Solidarity
- ICTs and the MDGs: On the Wrong Track?
- CTO's ICT Development Digital Library
- Some questions about digital literacy
- Volunet (update)
- Important changes to feeds and Migration to WordPress 1.5 (done)
- Volunet report
- e-Volunteering: Sun Microsystems' vision (Volunet report Pt. 2)
- Volunteer 2 Volunteer Technology (Volunet report Pt. 3)
- Cybervolunteering and Cyberactivism
- Mike Best with evidence that ICT4D works
- DrupalED
- ConsultantCommons.org
- Education for development
- Digital literacy: push or pull strategies?
- Subscription to comments
- IT's Social is Unsocial
- HashCash and some setup
- Drupal as Learning Management System
- JustVolunteers.org
- Online training for development
- WikiMedia Holding
- Health Care opencoursewared
- ICT4D.ph
- Free Software for Nonprofits
- 5 Online Resources Repositories
- Human Development Report research tools
- About Me v4.1
- About ICTlogy
- Writings
- Disclaimer
- Internet and Society
- Connexions
- Further steps beyond classical online volunteering
- The e-Learning Opportunity
- An Alternative Approach in the Use of e-Learning for Digital Inclusion
- i4donline.net
- Trencaspammers: antispam WP plugin
- Time2read plugin
- The Sphere Project Training Modules
- Volunet
- Update to WP 1.5
- Four types of online volunteering
- Knowledge Objects to Learning Objects and individualized LMSs
- Knowledge Objects are not Learning Objects: Characteristics of Learning Objects
- E-Learning and Economic Development
- Situated Learning in Online Courses
- E-learning on a Shoestring
- Moving
- Taxonomy of Collaborative E-Learning
- Sofia Open Content Initiative
- Wikiversity
- IV Conference on Technology for Human Development: impressions (part I)
- IV Conference on Technology for Human Development: impressions (part II)
- ICTliteracy.info
- ICT projects analysis
- DGroups
- Key Knowledge Issues in NGOs
- Digital Divide Network
- e-Learning in Nonprofits and Associations
- Theory from practice
- Elitism Redux? Newly-Excluded E-Learners
- Serviceleader.org
- Digital Nations
- The Virtual Volunteering Guidebook
- Online Volunteering for development: time for one step beyond
- VolunteerMatch
- Distributed Communities of Practice in E-Learning
- ICT4D - Connecting People for a Better World
- Kitten's Spaminator
- Education vs. training
- Three Pillars of e-Learning for nonprofits
- Not for profit blogs
- The Current and Future Applications of Information and Communication Technologies for Developmental Health Priorities
- Online Learning Environments
- Blogger Corps (was: Not for profit blogs (revisited))
- Blogger Corps III: the return of the NPO blogger
- Collaborative creation of e-Learning Objects
- Can E-learning break the Digital Divide?
- Google Scholar... for Development
- Shared awareness key to successful computer-supported collaboration
- John Daly's feeds
- Nabuur.com
- ICT Based Interventions Can Help Reducing Poverty
- Paolo Palmerini's site
- Migration to WordPress v1.2.1
- IV Conference on Technology for Human Development
- Quality in the Third Sector: Seminar
- Happy Birthday ICTlogy.net
- II Workshop on Internet and Solidarity
- The Future Paradigm: Social e-learning
- Is the free software model of production applicable to free educational content?
- UNDP FOSS in education primer
- Trouble with RDF feed
- Weblogs: The Promise for Nonprofit Organizations
- Weblogs: The Promise for Nonprofit Organizations (revisited)
- Open source - opens learning
- Online Volunteering: run out of imagination?
- Tecnoneet 2004: won't assist
- Fellows: facilitating and enhancing lifelong learning
- Technology traps corporates and nonprofits alike
- UK Study: Computers do not boost learning
- The Campus for Peace at the Forum Barcelona 2004
- Information for All (IFAP)
- The Wireless Roadshow
- e-learning model
- Sakai Project
- Top 10 Open Source Tools for eActivism
- The OpenCourseWare Initiative: A New Model for Sharing
- ICT4D Online Course
- Online volunteers for web development
- TimeBank and Virtual Volunteering
- Interview to Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales
- MAX: Madrid Linux
- Virtual Forum on Free and Open Source Software for E-Learning (revisited)
- Virtual Educa
- Importance of deselecting media in elearning
- MIT: more on OpenCourseWare and Open Knowledge Initiative:
- Virtual Internships for Online Business Classes: A Project
- e-Learning for e-Inclusion
- UNESCO Free Software Portal
- Lliurex
- Bridges.org
- OpensourceCMS
- Internet Global Congress 2004
- ITU Survey: Is the Internet worth it?
- ICT and literacy
- Ten Lessons for ICT and Education in the Developing World
- Choosing a F/OSS e-learning environment
- Absoo: Sharing for education. An e-learning experiment in education for development
- Workstation 2.0: Nonprofit Online Evaluation Tools
- Migration to WordPress v1.2 (note to self)
- Virtual Forum on Free and Open Source Software for E-Learning
- Reasons to set up the NGO’s intranet
- First International Congress about E-Learning and social inclusion
- The Click Corner
- ICTlogy technorated
- Who’s a virtual volunteer: an online volunteer profile
- Learning as sharing
- Role of the tutor in e-learning
- Open Source Courseware -- Evaluation and Rating at XPLANA
- MIT's sharing knowledge
- uPortal and UW Calendar
- Needs vs. resources
- Africa Learning Channel at First Voice International
- I Deafblindness Spanish Virtual Congress
- Expoelearning Europe 2004
- ICTs in support of South American Competitiveness and Integration
- Bloglines blogroll and Furl archives
- New section: Articles
- Madrid, March 11, 2004
- Penguin Day
- Expoelearning Europe 2004: report
- OpenCourse.org
- Online Volunteering Taxonomy
- CyberVolunteers
- InterConnection
- I Deafblindness Spanish Virtual Congress (official announcement)
- Spanish-speaking "techie" online volunteers
- MIT's Caddie.net Course Server
- MIT’s Caddie.net Course Server (II)
- International Workshop “Social perspective of e-Learning and Development in the Information Era”
- WordPress CSS Style Competition
- The Ups & Downs of Weblogs in Education
- AbSoo: e-Training for trainers as a development project
- For Nonprofits, Web Is a Windfall
- Campus for Peace e-volunteers
- WordPress CSS Style Competition Winners
- UN Online Volunteering
- Urban artists
- The role of the tutor in e-learning
- e-Volunteering tasks in e-Learning projects
- www.onlinevolunteering.org
- Professional Education Organization International
- Upgrade to 1.0.1
- Upgrade to 1.0.1 (note to self)
- HTML fixing
- Feedster on e-volunteering
- Knowledge management and elearning
- Technology transfer but Knowledge transfer
- Establishing Internet Connectivity in Rural Uganda
- ICTlogy new template
- Inter-American Development Bank e-Courses
- Email Lists and Message Boards- Where's the Middle Ground?
- Upgrade to WordPress 1.0
- Five ways to identify intranet usability issues
- Mesh networks help developing areas Archives
- What are "mesh networks"?
- ICT illiteracy and technophobia: a profile of the basic ICT user
- Introduction to Open Source Content Management Systems
- e-Learning advisor
- CSS fixing and links managing
- Free materials of the UOC International Master Programme on Free Software
- The electronic pony express
- NGOs don't invest in ICT nor e-learning
- Nonprofits Move On in Fundraising
- Hi-Tech Technology, a Strong Enabler for Nigerian Education
- ICTlogy at the Development Gateway
- Want bad news?: ITU Digital Access Index: World’s First Global ICT Ranking
- What is "educational use"? [@ autounfocus]
- WSIS Draft Declaration of Principles and Draft Plan of Action
- Weblog strategies for nonprofits
- ICTlogy goes pagerank 5: did I miss something!?
- The two roles of e-learning professors
- Disclaimer
- University e-Volunteering
- Seminar: "Social Exclusion and information technologies. Challenges and opportunities "
- Calling out...
- MIT OpenCourse Ware is not (full) cooperation
- Berklee Shares is neither (full) cooperation
- Soft and template updates in WP blog
- ICTlogy favicon
- Free on-line courses evaluation by TechSoup
- John Daly on ICT Volunteering
- Reasons not to set up an intranet
- CSS, colors and accessibility
- NetAid Online Volunteering
- Rich nations flunk in educating poor
- Applications and content roaming
- On-line teaching: new paradigm?
- III Seminar on 4th world and social exclusion
- Report: Seminar: “Social Exclusion and information technologies. Challenges and opportunities”