ICT Based Interventions Can Help Reducing Poverty

A UNESCO report states that ICT based interventions can help reducing poverty.

I think the point is in “based” as the research focused on digital content and applications of ICTs, much further than usual studies about infrastructure or ICT capacitation:

[…] there is little evidence as to how ICT can be used to respond to the needs of the poor in their specific communicative ecologies. This project tries to address this gap with research inputs from all the project sites.

Thus, conclusions rely on locally produced content, communication among communities, e-learning and ICT uses in schools, etc.

The reference:

Don Slater, Jo Tacchi: Research in ICT Innovations for Poverty Reduction (Editors: Ian Pringle, Savithri Subramanian). – UNESCO: New Delhi, 2004 ISBN-81-89218-01-8 (841 Kb)


If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2004) “ICT Based Interventions Can Help Reducing Poverty” In ICTlogy, #13, October 2004. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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