Monograph: EDEm10 — 4th International Conference on eDemocracy
- EDem10: Andy Williamson. Disruption and Empowerment: Embedding Citizens at the Heart of Democracy
- EDem10: Ismael Peña-López. Goverati: e-Aristocrats or the delusion of e-Democracy
- EDem10: e-Democracy and Open Government
- EDem10: Network Society
- EDem10: Momentum Project
- EDem10. Micah L. Sifry: The Promise and Contradictions of E-Democracy, Obama Style
- EDem10. Stevan Harnad: Open Access to Research: Changing Researcher Behavior through University and Funder Mandates
- EDem10. Transparency & Governance
- EDem10. Social Networking Tools supporting constructive Involvement throughout the Policy-Cycle
- EDem10. e-Democracy
- PEP-NET interview on the Goverati
- EDem interview: 5 Words to eDemocracy
Monograph: I International Workshop on Research in ICT for Human Development
- Research in ICT4D: the convergence of social sciences and technology
- ICT4HD. Round Table. Research for Development. Where is it heading in the ICT context?
- ICT4HD. Round Table. What is the role of Latin America on Research on ICT4D?
- ICT4HD. Ismael Peña-López: The role of governments in promoting the Information Society for reducing the Digital Divide
- ICT4HD. Experiences in Research on ICT4D within the Master Telecommunication Networks for Developing Countries
- ICT4HD. Valentín Villarroel: Conclusions of the first day
- ICT4HD. Ermanno Pietrosémoli: The ICTP-UNESCO Wireless Training Kit
- ICT4HD. Christopher Westrup: Contribution of Social Research on ICT4D
- ICT4HD. Ramon Roca: Guifi.net: Success Case of Participative Communications Networks
- ICT4HD. Eric Brewer: Contributions of Technical Research on ICT4D
- ICT4HD. Round Table. What is the role of private companies on Research in ICT4D?