Mesh networks help developing areas Archives

Still reading saved posts in my Bloglines Saved Items folder :P

It’s been quite three years since I was in San Pedro Sula (Honduras) taking part in a ICT4D workshop and was told about the project Aldeas Solares, run by the Honduras Government.

Put it simple: solar energy and satellite communications to bring electricity and internet to rural areas. The rough part: cost. Satellite communications are quite expensive. The roughest part: it only served a telecenter, no more.

Now (via Multiplicity) I’ve run through this article at Muniwireless: “Mesh networks help developing areas Archives”.


“Mesh networking’s main advantage is that it is affordable and easy to deploy. No need for expensive telecoms engineers, truck rolls, month-long surveys or high-priced hardware. Finally, areas neglected by DSL and cable operators can get high-speed broadband access.”


“What is so cool about mesh networking is that it can be deployed today quickly and inexpensively (and maintained) by people with a minimal technical background. This makes mesh a compelling choice for many rural communities especially in developing countries.”

Well, this sounds cool and I’m really optimistic in wireless to help bring connectivity around.


If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2004) “Mesh networks help developing areas Archives” In ICTlogy, #4, January 2004. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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2 Comments to “Mesh networks help developing areas Archives” »

  1. Pingback: ICTlogy

  2. If you’re interested in the role of wireless in the developing world, you might be interested in a project run by our org, called the Wireless Roadshow. Basically we’ll be travelling to 5 developing countries giving workshops on DIY wireless, including mesh stuff. The hope is to trigger the establishment of non-profit, sustainable community networks. We’re currently establishing a web presence for the project, but if you’re interested in more info, send me an e-mail and i’ll keep you updated.

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