By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 28 May 2004
Main categories: ICT4D, Knowledge Management
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Just a list of pros I sometimes am asked for and always have to think back.
You can also find some cons here: Reasons not to set up an intranet
- Manage your communications amongst NGO members in a rational way
- Keep in touch with people in your own headquarters, people in other organization’s offices and people in overseas destinations… within the same working framework
- Manage knowledge: keep the organization information, content, data, services and applications, and people who know how under the same environment
- Upload/download working documents and access them from wherever you are: headquarters, work, home, etc.
- Privacy: some information just don’t need being published in the Internet at everybody’s reach… but should be at a browser’s reach for members
- Help people feel they belong to the organization… even if they’re the last volunteer who signed in
- Build places where people can talk collectively in an informal way… and in a formal one too
- Know who’s who in the organization just one click away… and e-mail them or invite them to chat in the intranet’s instant messaging application
- Set up online volunteering programs… in a well-organized way
- Set up e-learning programs (some intranets can work as virtual learning environments too)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 26 May 2004
Main categories: Education & e-Learning, ICT4D
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Laurent (you’re always there – heartly thanks!) points me to this:
UNESCO’s Virtual Forum on Free and Open Source Software for E-Learning.
Its aim could not be more encouraging:
The objective of this second forum is to support information exchange and reflection upon the potential of free and open source software for e-learning and to consider the pros and cons and its applicability for developing countries.
The forum will take place during first four weeks of june and will deal with:
- What’s Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS)
- Pros and cons of F/OSS for e-learning
- F/OSS solutions for e-learning
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 24 May 2004
Main categories: Setup
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For my next migration to WordPress v1.2
Check the following files:
- index.php: functions, template
- wp-admin/admin-header.php: header customization
- wp-admin/menu.php: include own menus
- wp-admin/menu.txt (actually, merged with menu.php in v1.2): own menus config
- wp-admin/wp-admin.css: admin header customization, categories column resizing: left position, width, height
- wp-include/template-functions-category.php: function wp_list_cats arguments to sort by name and show/hide empty ones
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 21 May 2004
Main categories: ICT4D
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[via nascent nonprofit technology]
MyWorkstation, Innovation Network’s original flagship suite of online program planning and evaluation tools for nonprofits, made its debut in 1998. The Workstation was conceived as a way for Innovation Network to share our evaluation knowledge and experience with more nonprofits than we could reach directly with evaluation consulting and training.
Workstation 2.0 consists of three modules, available to nonprofits at no charge thanks to the generosity of our funding partners.
The Organizational Assessment Tool (or OAT) is for organizations who are interested in taking a look at their own capacity and effectiveness. (It makes sense to review your organization’s own structure and readiness before you begin using our program planning and evaluation tools.)
For detailed program and evaluation planning, we offer the Logic Model Builder™ and the Evaluation Plan Builder™. Both are designed to walk you through the processes of crafting a particular kind of planning framework (either a Logic Model or an Evaluation Plan), and to provide helpful information, examples, and resources along the way.
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 21 May 2004
Main categories: Education & e-Learning, ICT4D, Online Volunteering
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This is an article that deals about a project carried on within the framework of the Campus for Peace by
Its authors are Remei Camps, director of Spain, and F. Isabel Sales and Arantxa Uribe-Echevarria, online volunteers at the Campus for Peace (UOC)
I’m really pleased to see this article on-line as it’s been the result of two years of hard work.
The objective of the Absoo Programme is to adapt the technological tools offered by e-learning to local projects working on a day-to-day basis to provide quality education for children in developing countries. As part of this programme, a pilot course was developed and given in the UOC’s Campus for Peace VLE as a prototype for validating a methodological model for e-learning on a solidarity project.
This document brings together analysis of the experiment, from its instructional design to the development and evaluation of this pilot course. The section on design looks at the major decisions and activities making the model and the project itself suitable to the context and profiles of those it is intended for. The analysis of how the course unfolded shows flexibility during its development in order to adapt it to the gaps found in certain aspects of local infrastructure, communication (social and cultural aspects), learning strategies, evaluation and the time scale of the course. To be highlighted among the final conclusions, we have on the one hand the results obtained as regards the students following and finishing the course and, on the other, the confirmation of the methodology used (blended learning) as the basis of an educational project of this sort.
Full text in Spanish (PDF, 153 Kb)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 20 May 2004
Main categories: Education & e-Learning, FLOSS
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The Centre d’Educació i Noves Tecnologies of the de la Universitat Jaume I (UJI, Castelló, Spain) has released a report on how to choose a F/OSS e-learning environment.
It’s based on pedagogic flexibility, usability and technological flexibility.
They’ve found three main tendencies:
- Environments focusing on content management: i.e. ATutor
- Environments centered in communication: i.e. Moodle
- Environments to foster networking: i.e. .LRN
Finally, they chose Moodle for it best fitted UJI’s needs. By the way, this means that UJI will collaborate in Moodle’s development, which is good news and quite a commitment :)
The report is in Spanish and Catalan.