An introduction to Wardley (Value Chain) Mapping
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Type of work: Blog post
Management and Business Administration | Research & MethodologiesAbstract:
This post is about my journey, from a once newly minted yet confused CEO caught like a rabbit staring helpless into the oncoming headlights of change to being voted one of the most influential people in IT within the UK. It took me a decade to first develop the techniques that I’m going to describe and a further decade to gain confidence with them through practice. I dearly wish I had known these techniques at the beginning but then such is the nature of exploration, someone has to first experience the unknown before you can learn and then you still need a way of learning.
So in the forlorn hope of helping the reader - I am mindful that the one thing we never learn from is the past especially when it belongs to others - I’ve written a short guide to those practices. If you are like I once was, a confused CEO struggling to cope with the change around them, then this might help you progress in your journey.
Every journey begins with a step, in our case there are several. I’ll use an example throughout and in this first foray I’m going to map a TV company. I'll be using an early draft, which took a few hours to develop, including the strategic play from a base understanding of nothing about the TV industry. The reason I’ve selected this example is because whilst it explains the process of mapping, anything of commercial value has long since left it and been exploited or discarded. So, I suppose we better start with those first steps.