RQ+. Research Quality Plus. A Holistic Approach to Evaluating Research


Work data:

Type of work: Policy Briefing, Position Paper


Research & Methodologies


outcome mapping


This report describes, in brief, the rationale behind the development of this new approach to evaluating research quality. It then discusses in some detail the assessment instrument itself, followed by a section on lessons learned from the first effort to implement it in the External Reviews. In conclusion, the report reflects on potential uses of the instrument as well as ideas for its further refinement. What is discussed here is the inaugural version of the RQ+ Assessment Framework. It is currently undergoing revision and adaptation by IDRC for its own specific circumstances and uses. Readers – both funders of research and researchers engaged in evaluating research quality – are encouraged to treat this Framework as a dynamic, evolving tool that they can adapt and modify for their specific purposes. We expect that this approach to evaluating research quality will be improved by the practitioners who use the Framework and through further examination by scholars concerned with issues of research quality and use.