Twitteracy: Tweeting as a New Literacy Practice


Greenhow, C. & Gleason, B. (2012). “Twitteracy: Tweeting as a New Literacy Practice”. In The Educational Forum, 76 (4), 463-477. Indianapolis: Kappa Delta Pi. Retrieved October 23, 2012 from

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Type of work: Article (academic)


e-Learning and Instructional Technology | Education | Social Media & Social Software


microblogging, nanoblogging, twitter


This article defines Twitter; outlines the features, affordances, and common uses; and conceptualizes “tweeting” as a literacy practice, comprising both traditional and new literacies, and impacting both informal and formal learning settings. Also provided is an overview of traditional and new literacies, and insights from a scan of the research literature to date on tweeting as a literacy practice. The authors outline areas for inquiry and the challenges to conducting such research.