Telecentre Matters: Getting the Basics Right


Sornamohan, V. (2012). “Telecentre Matters: Getting the Basics Right”. In Information Technology in Developing Countries, February 2012, 22 (1). Ahmedabad: Centre for Electronic Governance. Retrieved February 14, 2012 from

Work data:

Type of work: Article (outreach)


ICT Infrastructure | ICT4D




Today telecentres are becoming a valued and recognised part of the development landscape. International aid agencies, concerned about meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), are showing greater interest in telecentres ability to inform and empower. More and more governments are acknowledging the contribution of telecentres to local government communications and service delivery, to education, to health and economic development, and are introducing positive legal frameworks for telecentres. This paper examines two different telecentre models namely, the Common Services Centres (CSCs) and Community Multimedia Centres (CMCs). The paper is an excerpt of the author’s Ph.D Thesis entitled ‘Efficiency and Sustainability of Telecentres in Rural Areas: A Comparative Study of Community Multimedia Centres and Common Services Centres’.