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ICTlogy » ICT4D Bibliography » Categories » Health and Medicine

Category: Health and Medicine



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31 references:

Addictive Behaviors . London: Elsevier. Retrieved January 21, 2024 from http://www.elsevier.com/locate/addictbeh [e]
Aronson, B. (2004). “Improving Online Access to Medical Information for Low-Income Countries”. In New England Journal of Medicine, 350 (10), 966-968. Waltham: Massachusetts Medical Society. Retrieved February 03, 2007 from http://content.nejm.org/cgi/reprint/350/10/966.pdf [20] [116] [e]
Artificial Organs . Oxford: Blackwell. [e]
ElectronicHealthcare . Toronto: Longwoods Publishing. [e]
Generalitat de Catalunya (2021). Evolució de la situació epidemiològica: escenaris per al període electoral. Reunió tècnica de la Taula de Grups Parlamentaris, 14 de gener de 2021. [mimeo]: Generalitat de Catalunya. [140] [e]
Generalitat de Catalunya (2020). Pla d’obertura progressiva d’activitats. Full de ruta per la revisió de la intensitat de les mesures adoptades en motiu de la segona onada epidèmica de SARSCoV-2 a Catalunya. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya. Retrieved November 23, 2020 from https://canalsalut.gencat.cat/web/.content/_A-Z/C/coronavirus-2019-ncov/material-divulgatiu/pla-obertura-progressiva-activitats.pdf [140] [149] [e]
Lewis, T. (2018). “Food Politics in a Digital Era”. In Schneider, T., Eli, K., Dolan, C. & Ulijasz, S. (Eds.), Digital Food Activism, Chapter 10. London: Routledge. [e]
New England Journal of Medicine . Waltham: Massachusetts Medical Society. [e]
OECD & Joint Research Centre (2021). Access and Cost of Education and Health Services. Preparing regions for demographic change. Paris: OECD Publishing. Retrieved November 09, 2023 from https://doi.org/10.1787/4ab69cf3-en [e]
Schneider, T., Eli, K., Dolan, C. & Ulijasz, S. (Eds.) (2018). Digital Food Activism. London: Routledge. [e]

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