
  • “e-science” as tag
  • 20 references:

    Canessa, E. & Zennaro, M. (Eds.) (2008). Science Dissemination using Open Access. A compendium of selected literature on Open Access. Trieste: ICTP - The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics. Retrieved July 03, 2008 from
    Canessa, E. & Zennaro, M. (Eds.) (2010). m-Science. Trieste: ICTP. Retrieved October 28, 2010 from
    Efimova, E. (2009). Passion at Work: Blogging Practices of Knowledge Workers. Novay PhD Research Series, 024. Enschede: Novay. Retrieved June 11, 2009 from e-research
    Efimova, E. (2009). Weblog as a personal thinking space. HT09: Proceedings of the twentieth ACM conference on hypertext and hypermedia. New York: ACM.
    Ewins, R. (2005). “Who are You? Weblogs and Academic Identity”. In e-Learning, 2, 368-377. Oxford: Symposium Journals.
    Walker, J. (2006). “Blogging From Inside the Ivory Tower”. In Bruns, A. & Jacobs, J. (Eds.), Uses of blogs, 127-138. Digital Formations 38. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
    Ward, M. & West, S. (2007). Blogging PhD process: foregrounding the pedagogy. Communication imparted at the 8th annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Vancouver: AoIR.


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