Efimova, Ekaterina
Works: 3 references
Efimova, E. (2009). Weblog as a personal thinking space. HT09: Proceedings of the twentieth ACM conference on hypertext and hypermedia. New York: ACM.
Efimova, E. (2009). Passion at Work: Blogging Practices of Knowledge Workers. Novay PhD Research Series, 024. Enschede: Novay. Retrieved June 11, 2009 from e-research
Sauer, I.M., Bialek, D., Efimova, E., Schwartlander, R., Pless, G. & Neuhaus, P. (2005). “’Blogs’ and ’Wikis’ Are Valuable Software Tools for Communication Within Research Groups”. In
Artificial Organs, 29 (1), 82-89. Oxford: Blackwell.