Towards Which Future for Schools of Government? Results of the Survey of Schools of Government
Work data:
Type of work: Report
Education | Government and Public AdministrationAbstract:
This report presents the results of a short survey conducted by the Brazilian National School of Public Administration (ENAP) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) of members of the OECD Network of Schools of Government (NSG) from 21 November 2021 through 24 January 2022. The objectives of the survey were to identify current and future trends in the content and form of the training delivered by Schools of Government (SoGs) as well as their own management structures and governance. The survey is not meant to be empirical, but rather to raise questions and generate provocative insights to underpin discussions within the NSG. The survey was responded to by officials from 33 SoGs spanning all continents.