Models of Horizon Scanning
Work data:
ISBN: 978-92-79-57823-6Alternate URL:
Type of work: Report
Policy & Regulation | Research & MethodologiesTags:
foresight, futuresAbstract:
Horizon Scanning is the systematic outlook to detect early signs of potentially important developments, in order to enhance resilient policy-making, address policy makers’ needs and concerns regarding new issues, to identify business opportunities by anticipating consumer and societal needs or to prepare society for less expected or rapid changes. During the last few years, different ‘Models of Horizon Scanning’ have been developed; method-combinations have been tested and implemented. Specific ‘Horizon Scanning’ institutions have been set up in some countries. The report presents an overview of the latest developments with a view to identify good practices and draw lessons for Science, Technology and Innovation Horizon Scanning in the European Commission.
European Commission (2015). Models of Horizon Scanning. How to integrate Horizon Scanning into European Research and Innovation Policies. Brussels: European Commission.