Student Privacy and Ed Tech (K-12) Research Briefing


Plunkett, L. & Gasser, U. (2016). Student Privacy and Ed Tech (K-12) Research Briefing. Networked Policy Series, Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2016-15. Cambridge: Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. Retrieved October 05, 2016 from

Work data:

Type of work: Working Paper


Education | Policy & Regulation | Social Media & Social Software


cloud computing, privacy


Foundational changes at the intersection of technology, society, law, and behavior are disrupting and energizing large institutions, impacting the educational technologies and student privacy landscape at lightning speed. Greater levels of connectivity and participation are raising questions about how best to navigate new types of learning environments, how best to engage in data-driven decision-making, and how best to ensure channels for positive collaboration in decision-making. This research briefing builds upon student privacy research and activities, and aims to translate these into practical take-aways. The briefing provides a map of the current digital learning ecosystem in the U.S. primary and secondary space, surveys at a high-level critical issues in the ed tech and student privacy space, and outlines key tools and opportunities for decision-makers.