Web 2.0 i difusió de la recerca
Work data:
Alternate URL: http://ictlogy.net/presentations/20060406_ismael_pena_i_corcoles_cesar_web2.0_i_difusio_recerca.pdf
Type of work: Seminar
Digital Literacy | Information Society | Open Access | Social Media & Social SoftwareTags:
Buzzword or not, the Internet is changing and the so-called Web 2.0 applications might mean new ways to work in the research-education-diffusion field (i.e. the University field). This presentation’s goal is raising a reflection and showing some “good” practices in higher education teaching, research and diffusion of research, after some experiences at the Open University of Catalonia and the use of blogs, wikis and other tools.Observations:
Presentation given in Barcelona, April 15th, 2006 in the homonimous seminar organized by the UNESCO Chair of e-Learning at UOC. Available in the following languages:

Related references: Peña López, I. (2006). Web 2.0 and diffusion of research. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
Peña and Córcoles (2006) Web 2.0 y difusión de la investigación: reseña del seminario