State of the eUnion: Government 2.0 and Onwards


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ISBN: 978-1449047290

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pdf file

Type of work: Book


e-Government & e-Administration


34 global thought-leaders share views and ideas about the current state of eGovernment and what has come to be known as Government 2.0.The book’s themes include: How the "web 2.0" revolution affects eGovernment activities How the digital grassroots, entrepreneurs and ’goverati’ are working to change government How new tools, used over the internet, are going to change the way government interacts with citizens Don Tapscott writes in the book’s foreword: "Every government leader, every elected official andevery government employee should read this book and get involved in oneof the most exciting challenges of our times - transforming government for effectiveness, relevance and success, enabled by a new medium of communications and required for the emerging citizens of the 21stcentury. The stakes are very high". The book’s contributors touch on a number of different subjects, all related to making government work better. Some deal with getting government data out into the open, breaking down data silos. Others focus on how to interact with the public through interactive websites. Still others discuss how to facilitate organizational change that will open up government.