Economic Development and Inclusion through Local Broadband Access Networks


García Alba, J. (Ed.) (2009). Economic Development and Inclusion through Local Broadband Access Networks. Washington, DC: Multilateral Investment Fund, Inter?American Development Bank. Retrieved August 24, 2009 from

Work data:

Type of work: Report


Digital Inclusion | ICT Infrastructure | ICT4D


This study has been developed with the support of the Italian Trust Fund for Information and Communication Technology for Development. The theme of the study is the recent experience of community?based initiatives – driven by municipal governments, community organizations, local entrepreneurs associations, NGOs – that have deployed sustainable local broadband connectivity services. This report provides a detailed mapping of best practice for the implementation of sustainable local broadband access networks and an analysis of the situation in four countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region: Brazil, Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Peru. It is based on a desk review; phone interviews with stakeholders; mapping of existing best practices and country visits.