Voice or Chatter - Outputs


This research has been produced with the financial support of Making All Voices Count. Making All Voices Count is a programme working towards a world in which open, effective and participatory governance is the norm and not the exception. This Grand Challenge focuses global attention on creative and cutting-edge solutions to transform the relationship between citizens and their governments. Making All Voices Count is supported by the U.K. Department for International Development (DFID), U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, and Omidyar Network (ON), and is implemented by a consortium consisting of Hivos, the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and Ushahidi. The programme is inspired by and supports the goals of the Open Government Partnership.

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Bibliography for a/an: Compilation

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Listing 16 references:

Peña-López, I. (2017). decidim.barcelona, from e-Participation to the Devolution of Sovereignty. OP@LL Conference. Online participation on the local level – a comparative perspective. 13-15 December 2017. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf Institute for Internet and Democracy. Retrieved December 11, 2017 from http://ictlogy.net/presentations/20171214_ismael_pena-lopez_-_decidim.barcelona_eparticipation_devolution_sovereignty.pdf
Peña-López, I. (2017). decidim.barcelona, Spain. Voice or chatter? Case studies. Bengaluru: IT for Change.
Peña-López, I. (2017). decidim.barcelona. from e-participation to the devolution of sovereignty. "ICT-mediated citizen engagement: Voice or Chatter?" webinar 5 July 2017. Bengaluru: IT for Change. Retrieved July 05, 2017 from http://ictlogy.net/presentations/20170705_ismael_pena-lopez_-_decidim.barcelona_eparticipation_devolution_sovereingty.zip
Peña-López, I. (2017). “Participation in Spanish Municipalities: The Makings of a Network of Open cities”. In ICTlogy, March 2016, (162). Barcelona: ICTlogy. Retrieved August 01, 2016 from http://ictlogy.net/review/?p=4511
Peña-López, I. (2017). Sovereignty in the digital age. Keynote speech at the All Digital Summit, Barcelona 4-5 October 2017. Barcelona: All Digital. Retrieved October 05, 2017 from http://ictlogy.net/presentations/20171005_ismael_pena-lopez_-_sovereignty_in_the_digital_age.zip
Peña-López, I. (2017). Technology as part of the mix: politics, capacities, intermediation, inclusion and legitimacy. Policy & Practice Dialogue. Appropriating Technology for Accountability: Lessons from ‘Making All Voices Count’. 25-26 October 2017. Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
Peña-López, I. (2017). Veu o propaganda? Transformació democràtica a les institucions tecnopolítiques. Cicle "La cultura del vot": Quin futur per al reformisme democràtic? Anàlisi de les experiències conegudes a l’Estat espanyol. 12 de juny de 2017. Barcelona: Ateneu Barcelonès. Retrieved June 12, 2017 from http://ictlogy.net/presentations/20170612_ismael_pena-lopez_-_transformacio_democratica_institucions_tecnopolitiques.zip
Peña-López, I. (2017). Voice or chatter? Transforming democracy in technopolitical institutions. Civic Tech: creating and enabling networks for a liquid democracy. Maker Faire. 18 June de 2017 Barcelona: Caixa Fòrum. Barcelona: Ateneu Barcelonès. Retrieved June 18, 2017 from http://ictlogy.net/presentations/20170618_ismael_pena-lopez_-_transforming_democracy_technopolitical_institutions.zip
Peña-López, I. (2017). Voz o propaganda? Transformación democrática y tecnopolítica. Seminar for Civic tech? Utopías para el cambio, 3 July 2017. Barcelona: Escuela Cívica. Retrieved July 03, 2017 from http://ictlogy.net/presentations/20170703_ismael_pena-lopez_-_transformacion_democratica_tecnopolitica.zip
Peña-López, I. (2018). “Increasing the quality of democracy through sovereignty devolution”. In Précis, January 2018. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf Institute for Internet and Democracy. Retrieved January 30, 2018 from https://diid.hhu.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/DIID-Precis_Pena-Lopez.pdf