El Profesor 2.0: docencia e investigación desde la Red
Work data:
Type of work: Article (academic)
Digital Literacy | e-Learning and Instructional Technology | Education | Information Society | Open AccessAbstract:
The aim of the article is, first, to give a brief presentation of what the web 2.0 is from the teacher and researcher’s point of view, leading to a consideration of some of its proposed uses in the classroom and to conclude by considering how it has begun to affect, and will continue to affect, the world of research, especially in terms of publishing completed work and establishing a new framework for collaboration among researchers.Consequently, we will be talking about a web 2.0, which, in terms of technology, offers a wide public a set of sophisticated content publication and management tools and, in social terms, makes it possible for a collective intelligence to appear, based on the aggregation of non-systematised or explicitly guided individual contributions. Both points come together in the teaching and research activity of teachers, affording them tools-such as blogs and wikis-and ways of doing things that they can use at different times during their activity to increase their communication and motivation capacity in the classroom, and to optimise the efforts devoted to searching for information, collaborative work and the communication of their results in the laboratory.
The article concludes that the confluence of new tools and attitudes should lead to an academic panorama with greater collaboration between peers and a natural evolution of the current meritocracy system.
Some reactions in the bloglosphere:- http://cenug.onyar.net/diari/edunomia/arxius/2007/quina-versio-de-professor-tinc-la-20-o-la-11.html
- http://mcanosan.blogspot.com/2007/01/road-for-nomadic-learners.html
- http://lajanda.blogspot.com/2007/01/el-profesor-20-un-artculo.html
- http://ampaiesvirgendelremedio.spaces.live.com/Lists/cns!99962D113390E724!134/
- http://blogs.netedu.info/?p=118
- http://www.fzayas.com/darlealalengua/?p=221
- http://polisea.net/descuadrando/2006/12/03/docencia-e-investigacion-20/
- http://artesaniaenred.blogspot.com/2006/12/blogs-y-aprendizaje.html
- http://jorbe.blogsome.com/2006/12/02/el-profesor-20/
- http://cerrodelaslombardas.blogspot.com/2006/11/el-profesor-20.html
- http://e-via.org/blog/index.php?blog=2&title=profesor_2_0_docencia_e_investigacion&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
- http://fabian-prieto.blogspot.com/2006/10/el-profesor-20-docencia-e-investigacin.html
- http://gonzolog.net/2006/10/el-profesor-20/
- http://obm.corcoles.net/20061011/profesor-dospuntocero-autobombo/
- http://ictlogy.net/20061011-the-20-teacher-teaching-and-research-from-the-web/
- http://adefinirlo.blogspot.com/2007/04/la-web-constructivista.html
- Sección de Artículos, Presentaciones y Enlaces sobre Universidad 2.0