
Research groups and centers

Senior researcher and former group coordinator at Open Evidence (2017 SGR 1679)

Present research and innovation projects

EURYKA: Reinventing Democracy in Europe: Youth Doing Politics in Times of Increasing Inequalities

Horizon 2020, European Commission H2020-SC6-REV-INEQUAL-2016-2017.
Inequalities in the EU and their consequences for democracy, social cohesion and inclusion

Escola Nova 21

Centre UNESCO de Catalunya, Fundació Jaume Bofill, UOC and EduCaixa.

Educació Demà

Fundació Jaume Bofill.

Doctoral supervisions (current)

Knowledge Throughout Life: the Promise of Open Online Learning Communities

PhD thesis by Igne Roeniger. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute.

Crisis of political representation: transformation of institutional politics through net parties and their use of information and communication technologies

PhD thesis by Maria Haberer. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute.

ICT4RD: Les TIC en la comercialització del producte agroalimentari d’àmbit rural.

PhD thesis by Ricard Espelt. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute.

The color of corruption coverage in Spain. Agenda setting in a polarized media system.

PhD thesis by Pablo Rey Mazón. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute.

Charting the role and practice of leadership in school networks for educational reform

PhD thesis project by Maria-Antònia Guardiola. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute.

Espacios informales de aprendizaje y transformaciones de las instituciones educativas tradicionales

PhD thesis project by Daniel Jiménez. eLearn Center.

Discursos y praxis de soberanía tecnológica en África Sud-Sahariana. Open Source y Software Libre desde el concepto de desarrollo

PhD thesis project by Manel Rebordosa. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute.

Facebook, migrants, and transnational politics: Reshaping participatory practices among Argentines in Barcelona during the Indignados and Autoconvocados movements

PhD thesis project by Denise Senmartin. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute.

Doctoral supervisions (defended)

La representación política en la era de Internet. El caso de España.

Francisco Jurado. Co-supervised with Joan Subirats and Fernando Martínez. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2017

Past projects

Researcher of the Research Group on Private Law, Consumption and New Technologies (GREDINT) at the University of Barcelona
Researcher at Applied Social Science and Behavioral Economics (ASSBE) research group
Logo de l'i2TIC Researcher of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on ICTs (i2TIC) at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (2009–2013)
Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Institute of the Open University of Catalonia
Researcher at the eLearn Center of the Open University of Catalonia

Innovació Oberta

Fundació Jaume Bofill.

An Analysis of the role and impact of research and technology organisation's participation in the Framework Programmes

European Commission, PP-01264-2014.

An analysis of the role and impact of industry participation in the Framework Programmes

European Commission PP-01262-2014.

Study on marketing to children through social media, online games and mobile applications

European Commission, Request of Services no. EAHC/FWC/2013 8508 for the implementation of the Framework Contract No. EAHC/2011/CP/01.

Cultura política democrática y nuevas formas de participación ciudadana

Fundació La Caixa. Recercaixa 2012

Proyecto REBIS: Redes, Eficiencia y Bienestar en la Sociedad de la Información

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, CSO2010-16648
01 January 2011 - 31 December 2013.

MIREIA - Measuring the Impact of eInclusion Actors on Digital Literacy, Skills and Inclusion goals of the Digital Agenda for Europe

Project funded and led by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (AA INFSO/H3/2011/2 - SMART 2011/007).

Administració pública electrònica i immigració a Catalunya: una nova oportunitat per una societat xarxa inclusiva

Project funded by the Catalan Agency of Universities and Research (2010 ARF1 0023) ARAFI I 2010 programme, on applied research and training in the area of immigration in Catalonia.

Noves Tecnologies i participació ciutadana. Quines eines per a quins usos?

Project funded by the Diputació de Barcelona on tools and best practices benchmark on e-Participation in Local Administrations.
2009-2010. External Program Review

For the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Microsoft and the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). With Simon Batchelor

The transformations of Law in the Information Society: Analysis and Forecast

Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, SEJ2007-67202
01 October 2007 - 30 September 2010.

Multidisciplinar research on how the (general) discipline of Law has been affected by the impact of the Information Society: cyberlaw, cybercrime, intellectual property rights, privacy, etc.

See also the Internet, Law and Politics Congress, one of the outputs of the project: 4th edition, 2008 | 5th edition, 2009 | 6th edition, 2010 | 7th edition, 2011.

Measuring digital development for policy-making: Models, stages, characteristics and causes

Doctoral thesis.
10 April 2007 - 8 September 2009.

The aim of this research is to analyze how and why the different approaches to model and measure the Information Society have determined what is meant by the concept of access to Information and Communication Technologies and digital development. And, based on this first analysis, work on and propose a 360º digital framework that can serve policy-making while, at the same time, be able to state whether and why governments should seek to foster the development of the Information Society.

European Tools for E-learning and Technology Transfer in Food Technology

European Commission, Tempus PHARE UM_JEP 18084
01 September 2004 - 31 August 2007.

This project aims at establishing structures to facilitate the transfer of technology from Bosnia and Herzegovina universities to the productive system in the country, and to put them at work through a number of practical experiences, the main amongst them to organize life-long formation. The activities will be organized in the following blocks:

  1. To provide a methodology and technical means to create and deliver online courses for life-long formation in BH universities, plus a practical experience.
  2. Establishing a legal and operative frame for relations of universities with third parties (enterprises or individuals), in the area of technology transfer.
  3. Structuring a nursery of enterprises (spinoffs) within the frame of CTTs, including practical experience of management.

Benchmark on the Information Society in the judicial field in Latin America countries

Permanent Secretariat of the Latin America Judicial Summit
01 September 2005 - 30 June 2006.

A benchmark on e-Justice best practices in Latin America, Spain and Portugal, including a theoretical framework and methodology to measure e-Justice.

See also the final research report: Fabra, P., Batlle, A., Cerrillo, A., Galiano, A., Peña-López, I. & Colombo, C. (2006). e-Justicia: La Justicia en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. Retos para los países Iberoamericanos. Santo Domingo:

Digital Literacy and Methodology Transfer Programme in e-Learning (I)

Generalitat de Catalunya, ACCD2004
01 June 2005 - 31 May 2006.

The project outlines a global digital literacy programme in Morocco to be developed in parallel in, and integrated into, four specific spheres, namely universities, civil society, schools and the population in general. I led the project.