Missions with Impact. A practical guide to formulating effective missions


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Alternate URL:
pdf file https://www.bertelsmann-stiftung.de/fileadmin/files/user_upload/377_2024_BST_Studie_Missionen_mit_Wirkung_ID2187-EN_screen.pdf

Type of work: Handbook/Primer/Guide


Innovation | Policy & Regulation | Politics and Political Science | Research & Methodologies


mission-oriented innovation


A mission-oriented policy approach can effectively contribute to achieving the transformative change needed in economies and societies targeting holistic sustainability. Formulating a clear mission is crucial to maximizing the transformative impact of such missions. Aiming to support such efforts, the Bertelsmann Stiftung and Fraunhofer ISI have co-authored a practical guide on how to formulate missions with impact.


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Full document:
Wittmann, F., Hummler, A., Posch, D. & Lindner, R. (2024). Missions with Impact. A practical guide to formulating effective missions. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems.

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