The OECD Framework for digital talent and skills in the public sector


OECD (2021). The OECD Framework for digital talent and skills in the public sector. OECD Working Papers on Public Governance, No. 45. Paris: OECD Publishing. Retrieved December 06, 2021 from

Work data:

ISSN: 1993-4351

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Type of work: Report


Digital Literacy | Government and Public Administration


public servants


The rapid pace of technological advance and associated potential for the use of data have not only changed the way people live but also the way people work. This digital disruption hits all sectors, including the public sector, and this working paper emphasises pathways for developing a public sector workforce with the necessary skills to achieve successful digital transformation. It presents the OECD Framework for Digital Talent and Skills in the Public Sector, which highlights the need to create the right working environment, secure the right skills, and evolve the right workforce to support a progression from e-government to digital government.