Being There: What Presence Means in the Digital World


Downes, S. (2020). Being There: What Presence Means in the Digital World. CIET EnPED 2020, Brazil, via video recording, Lecture, Aug 31, 2020. São Paulo?: Stephen Downes. Retrieved September 01, 2020 from

Work data:

Type of work: Conference


e-Learning and Instructional Technology | Education


To the extent that learning is a social activity it depends on presence, that is, it depends on the interaction and sense of commonality we have with other people. But presence doesn't need to be direct and personal; it can be mediated through objects and technologies. An author can speak to us through a book, a friend can speak to us through a telephone, an actor can convey meaning through cinema. But with each medium, the character of presence changes, as some affordances are amplified and others diminished. Which leads us to the question: what is the character of presence in digital media?