Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education, 2019


Daniela, L. (Ed.) (2020). Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education, 2019. Proceedings of ATEE Spring Conference. Latvia: University of Latvia. Retrieved March 24, 2020 from

Work data:

ISBN: 978-9934-18-482-6

Alternate URL:
pdf file

Type of work: Proceedings


e-Learning and Instructional Technology | Education


The book “Innovations, technologies and research in education, 2019” includes research papers presented at the ATEE Spring Conference 2019 ( on emerging trends in technology-enhanced learning, on innovative educational ideas, and on how to facilitate learning motivation, transformative learning, integrative learning, constructivism and constructionism, novel approaches, and innovative educational solutions. The ATEE Spring Conference has been organized by the Association of Teacher Education in Europe and the University of Latvia biannually since 1997.
