Digital Literacy


Gilster, P. (1997). Digital Literacy. New York: Wiley and Computer Publishing.

Work data:

Type of work: Book


Digital Literacy


Literacy for the Internet Age: Core Competencies

"Digital literacy is the ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide-range of sources when it is presented via computers."

The Nature of Digital Literacy

"Digital networking supports and extends the power of print rather than supplanting it. The two technologies intertwine like DNA strands, the double helix of the twenty-first century’s intellectual revival."

The Great Paradigm Shift beyond Traditional Media

"If the overarching core competency of Internet use is critical thinking, to explain its application on-line we must move beyond the concepts we have been taught to apply to other media."

Evaluating Content on the Web

"The ability to engage in a dialogue with the source of your material is largely unique to the Internet."

From Hypertext to Context: Reading versus Browsing

"This is the paradox of hypertext?it establishes links to banks of information, leading to the assumption that ideas are always backed by evidence. "

Searching the Virtual Library

"The ultimate goal of network visionaries is the construction of an on-line reference work that contains the sum of all human knowledge from the days of the first cave paintings to the latest scientific breakthroughs."

Evaluating the Results of Search Engines

"Web-based search engines introduce numerous issues in terms of how we find and evaluate information. These tools have a disquieting tendency to make decisions for us?or, to put it more accurately, we have a tendency to let them do so. "

Web Searching Logistics: Copyright and Subscription

"Electronic copyright protection schemes have begun to proliferate, usually involving software that establishes a connection between the owners of intellectual property and its users."

Knowledge Assembly and the Web: Personalizing the News

"Because it delivers content in user-specified ways, the Net does give us greater control over what we see when, but we lose the insistent "tapping on the shoulder" when one television network after another tells us that something is important."

[source: meansbusiness]