ICTlogy.net: 7th anniversary

It seems that a whole year has gone by, and ICTlogy.net — my personal research portal, my personal learning environment — has become seven years old (that is one year in a cat’s life… or maybe is it the other way round? ;).

First some figures, then some comments:

Two experiments on ICT4D information finally became reality:

  • The ICT4D Calendar, a Google Calendar for ICT4D-related events (ICT4D Calendar feed), visit the page to see who’s involved)
  • ICT4D Tweetmap, a mashup that presents #ict4d tweets on a Google Map (inspired by the always inspiring Tony Hirst)

The big news was that, during this last year, the (one and only) blog got to have a new name, the ICT4D Blog, the reason being the coming to existence of its smaller sibling, the blog SociedadRed (RSS feed), less academic, more opinion-biased and in Spanish.

Amongst the things to forget (or not to…), during this year I got my first hate comment — a xenophobic/racist one — that didn’t come from spam, but from a human hand. Shame on you.

There’s little else that I could say. Just a big thank you to all the people I read and drink knowledge from, wherever I am, whenever I want to. Thank you all.


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Next post: Browsing ICT4D Authors Visually

7 Comments to “ICTlogy.net: 7th anniversary” »

  1. Congrats Ismael,

    your personal researcher portal and ple are one of the most valuable examples for me. I learned a lot from this site and from you. Thanks.

    And I have to say, that one day I can say I witnessed live the famous liveblogging. It was impressive read the post just few minutes after the end of the workshop :-)

  2. José L., no te lo puedes ni imaginar, tanto lo de la felicidad como lo de merecer la pena. Más que un blog, se ha convertido en una forma de trabajar… y de ver las cosas, de filosofía de vida.

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