Though it is designed as an open debate among students and the speaker, I’m giving unilaterally a name to the second seminar I’m imparting in Trento — From e-Readiness to e-Awareness (or the way back) — just to give an idea about what I guess it is going to deal with. I was asked by the organization to please suggest some basic bibliography for the students to read and prepare some questions so the debate could be started.
I here present v2.0 of my initial list, somehow improved (or impovered, yours to judge) with 3 more references. There it goes:
- Economist Intelligence Unit. (2006). The 2006 e-readiness rankings. London: EIU. Retrieved April 27, 2006 from - Harvard University. (Ed.) (2000). Readiness for the Networked World. A Guide for Developing Countries. Cambridge: Center for International Development at Har vard University. Retrieved February 17, 2006 from - International Telecommunication Union. (Ed.) (2006).World Telecommunication/ICT Development Report 2006: Measuring ICT for social and economic development. Geneva: ITU. [just the Executive Summary]
- Tongia, R., Subrahmanian, E. & Arunachalam, V. (2005). Information and Communications Technology for Sustainable Development. Bangalore: Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Retrieved November 03, 2005 from
I’d like to add to these my following posts:
- Digital divide: what can cooperation for development do
- Negroponte and the Web 2.0 or the Four Classes of the Digital Divide
- Networked Readiness Index vs. Human Development Index
From all of these, Tongia et al. is quite long and specific (but interesting enough to be in this list). The other ones I think they are accessible to any kind of learner.
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2006) “Seminar: From e-Readiness to e-Awareness (or the way back)” In ICTlogy,
#32, May 2006. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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