Open Data in Developing Countries. Summary of Emerging Insights from Phase I


Work data:

Type of work: Report


e-Government & e-Administration | ICT4D | Open Access


od4d, open data


How can developing countries secure the full benefits of open data? What barriers are blocking greater impacts? And how can open data be implemented in ways that respond to local context, and that build on existing policy and practice foundations. To address questions like these, the Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Developing Countries (ODDC) research network has been gathering information on open data activities across 13 different countries on three continents. Using a mixed-methods case study research, 17 local research partners have developed in-depth accounts on the supply, mediation and use of open data in diverse settings: from budget scrutiny to oversight of judicial systems. This briefing offers 15 initial insights generated from a preliminary synthesis of this research, offered as a basis for further conversations.