
  • “od4d” as tag
  • 8 references:

    Cañares, M.P., Marcial, D. & Narca, M. (2016). “Enhancing Citizen Engagement with Open Government Data”. In The Journal of Community Informatics, Special Issue on Open Data for Social Change and Sustainable Development, 12 (2), 69-98. Vancouver: Journal of Community Informatics. Retrieved May 17, 2017 from
    Cañares, M.P. & Shekhar, S. (2016). “Open Data and Subnational Governments: Lessons from Developing Countries”. In The Journal of Community Informatics, Special Issue on Open Data for Social Change and Sustainable Development, 12 (2), 99-119. Vancouver: Journal of Community Informatics. Retrieved May 17, 2017 from
    Davies, T. & Perini, F. (2016). “Researching the emerging impacts of open data: revisiting the ODDC conceptual framework”. In The Journal of Community Informatics, Special Issue on Open Data for Social Change and Sustainable Development, 12 (2), 148-178. Vancouver: Journal of Community Informatics. Retrieved May 17, 2017 from
    Frank, M. & Walker, J. (2016). “User Centred Methods for Measuring the Value of Open Data”. In The Journal of Community Informatics, Special Issue on Open Data for Social Change and Sustainable Development, 12 (2), 47-68. Vancouver: Journal of Community Informatics. Retrieved May 17, 2017 from
    Larquemin, A., Mukhopadhyay, J.P. & Buteau, S. (2016). “Open Data and Evidence-based Socio-economic Policy Research in India: An overview”. In The Journal of Community Informatics, Special Issue on Open Data for Social Change and Sustainable Development, 12 (2), 120-147. Vancouver: Journal of Community Informatics. Retrieved May 17, 2017 from
    McLeod, M. & McNaughton, M. (2016). “Mapping an emergent Open Data eco-system”. In The Journal of Community Informatics, Special Issue on Open Data for Social Change and Sustainable Development, 12 (2), 26-46. Vancouver: Journal of Community Informatics. Retrieved May 17, 2017 from
    van Schalkwyk, F., Cañares, M.P., Chattapdhyay, S. & Andrason, A. (2016). “Open Data Intermediaries in Developing Countries”. In The Journal of Community Informatics, Special Issue on Open Data for Social Change and Sustainable Development, 12 (2), 9-25. Vancouver: Journal of Community Informatics. Retrieved May 17, 2017 from


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