Using the Affordances of Wiki to Support Collaborative Argumentation in Secondary Science Education


Work data:

ISBN: 978-1-61728-912-5

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Type of work: Book Chapter


e-Learning and Instructional Technology




The role of argumentation processes to explain students‘ learning of science has been widely reported in educational literature (e. g. Andriessen, 2006). The learning sciences have shown that collaborative classroom interaction can often contribute to individual argumentative discourse. Technology –especially computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) – has the potential to support productive argumentation. But many educational research studies have reported that most people have difficulties arguing collaboratively. The explosion of Web 2.0 technologies and social software accompanied by new affordances that expand communication, collaboration, learning and knowledge creation has opened up a new era in education.

This chapter departs from these arguments and will explore how to use the affordances of Web 2.0 technology to support science collaborative argumentation in secondary education. Special attention will be paid to the pedagogical features needed to develop a learning environment based on using Wikis to scaffold students‘ argumentation processes to learn science.