Giving Knowledge for Free: The Emergence of Open Educational Resources
Work data:
ISBN: 978-92-64-03174-6Type of work: Report
Open AccessAbstract:
The report’s title, Giving Knowledge for Free, reveals the potential implications of the OER movement. OER is not only a fascinating technological development and potentially a major educational tool. It accelerates the blurring of formal and informal learning, and of educational and broader cultural activities. It raises basic philosophical issues to do with the nature of ownership, with the validation of knowledge and with concepts such as altruism and collective goods. It reaches into issues of property and its distribution across the globe. It offers the prospect of a radically new approach to the sharing of knowledge, at a time when effective use of knowledge is seen more and more as the key to economic success, for both individuals and nations. How paradoxical this may turn out to be, and the form it will eventually take are entirely unforeseeable. The report offers some preliminary handles for understanding the issues raised.