Government Information Quarterly


Work data:

ISSN: 0740-624X

Type of work: Journal


e-Government & e-Administration | Government and Public Administration | ICT Infrastructure | Politics and Political Science


Government Information Quarterly is a cross-disciplinary and refereed journal that covers information and telecommunications policy, information management, information technology planning and management, and e-government practices, policies and issues relevant to all levels of government within the United States and abroad. Individual issues contain an editorial, articles, and reviews. The articles analyze current information policies and practices, present new developments, provide theoretical and philosophical treatises, and discuss current issues and strategies for managing government information-based services and resources.


Mueller, M. (1999) Universal Service Policies as Wealth Redistribution [e]

Ferro, E., Gil-García, J. R. & Helbig, N. (2009) Understanding the complexity of electronic government: Implications from the digital divide literature [e]

Bolat, B. A., Çilan, . A. & Co?kun, E. (2008) Analyzing digital divide within and between member and candidate countries of European Union [e]

Kim, E., Lee, B. & Menon, N. M. (2009) Social welfare implications of the digital divide [e]

Verdegem, P. & Verleye, G. (2009) User-centered E-Government in practice: A comprehensive model for measuring user satisfaction [e]

Van Deursen, A. & van Dijk, J. (2009) Improving digital skills for the use of online public information and services [e]

Yang, L. & Zhiyong Lan, G. (2010) Internet’s impact on expert–citizen interactions in public policymaking—A meta analysis [e]

Cuillier, D. & Relly, J. E. (2010) A comparison of political, cultural, and economic indicators of access to information in Arab and non-Arab states [e]

Gallego-Álvarez, I., García-Sánchez, I. & Rodríguez-Domínguez, L. (2010) Are determining factors of municipal E-government common to a worldwide municipal view? An intra-country comparison [e]

Hípola, P. & Muñoz-Cañavate, A. (2011) Electronic administration in Spain: From its beginnings to the present [e]

Ahn, M. J., Kim, H. J. & Lee, J. (2011) The willingness of e-Government service adoption by business users: The role of offline service quality and trust in technology [e]

Fofanah, S. S., Liang, D. & Lin, F. (2011) Assessing citizen adoption of e-Government initiatives in Gambia: A validation of the technology acceptance model in information systems success [e]

Layne, K. & Lee, J. (2001) Developing fully functional E-government: A four stage model [e]

Ferro, E., Gil-García, J. R. & Helbig, N. (2011) The role of IT literacy in defining digital divide policy needs [e]

Bailur, S. & Heeks, R. (2007) Analyzing e-government research: Perspectives, philosophies, theories, methods, and practice [e]

Deng, H. & Karunasena, K. (2012) Critical factors for evaluating the public value of e-government in Sri Lanka [e]

Åström, J., Karlsson, M., Linde, J. & Pirannejad, A. (2012) Understanding the rise of e-participation in non-democracies: Domestic and international factors [e]

Gil-García, J. R. & Sandoval-Almazan, R. (2012) Are government internet portals evolving towards more interaction, participation, and collaboration? Revisiting the rhetoric of e-government among municipalities [e]

Xi, C., Xiaoyi, W. & Yuan, L. (2012) Evaluating the readiness of government portal websites in China to adopt contemporary public administration principles [e]

Allen, J., Bock, D. S., Doellman, T., Powell, A. & Williams, C. K. (2012) e-Voting intent: A comparison of young and elderly voters [e]

Grönlund, . & Susha, I. (2012) eParticipation research: Systematizing the field [e]

Medaglia, R. (2012) eParticipation research: Moving characterization forward (2006–2011) [e]

Chew, H. E., DeMaagd, K., Huang, G., Khan, M. L., LaRose, R. & Sreenivasan, A. (2012) The use of public computing facilities by library patrons: Demography, motivations, and barriers [e]

Arendsen, R., Peters, O., ter Hedde, M. & van Dijk, J. (2013) Does e-government reduce the administrative burden of businesses? An assessment of business-to-government systems usage in the Netherlands [e]

Bannister, F. & Connolly, R. (2013) ICT, public values and transformative government: A framework and programme for research [e]

Janssen, M. & Zuiderwijk, A. (2013) Open data policies, their implementation and impact: A framework for comparison [e]

Lee, J. (2010) 10 year retrospect on stage models of e-Government: A qualitative meta-synthesis [e]

Cuadrado-Ballesteros, B. (2014) The impact of functional decentralization and externalization on local government transparency [e]

Bogdanovi?-Dini?, S., Stoimenov, L. & Veljkovi?, N. (2014) Benchmarking open government: An open data perspective [e]

Jafaar, N. I., Sulaiman, A. & Warren, A. M. (2014) Social media effects on fostering online civic engagement and building citizen trust and trust in institutions [e]

Klischewski, R. (2014) When virtual reality meets realpolitik: Social media shaping the Arab government–citizen relationship [e]

Bigdeli, A. Z., Panagiotopoulos, P. & Sams, S. (2014) Citizen–government collaboration on social media: The case of Twitter in the 2011 riots in England [e]

Gil-García, J. R. & Sandoval-Almazan, R. (2014) Towards cyberactivism 2.0? Understanding the use of social media and other information technologies for political activism and social movements [e]

Andersen, K. V. & Henriksen, H. Z. (2006) E-government maturity models: Extension of the Layne and Lee model [e]

Attard, J., Auer, S., Orlandi, F. & Scerri, S. (2015) A systematic review of open government data initiatives [e]

González-Zapata, F. & Heeks, R. (2015) The multiple meanings of open government data: Understanding different stakeholders and their perspectives [e]

Mergel, I. (2016) A Framework for Interpreting Social Media Interactions in the Public Sector [e]

Al-Ayoubi, B., Anouze, A. L., Balc?, A., Irani, Z., Lee, H., Medeni, T., Osman, I. & Weerakkody, V. (2014) COBRA framework to evaluate e-government services: A citizen-centric perspective [e]

Gandía, J. L., Huguet, D. & Marrahí, L. (2016) Digital transparency and Web 2.0 in Spanish city councils [e]

Breslin, J. G., Ojo, A. & Porwol, L. (2016) An ontology for next generation e-Participation initiatives [e]

Breslin, J. G., Ojo, A. & Porwol, L. (2018) Social Software Infrastructure for e-Participation [e]

Lourenço, R. P. (2015) An analysis of open government portals: A perspective of transparency for accountability [e]

Grimmelikhuijsen, S., Meijer, A. J. & Ruijer, E. (2017) Open data for democracy: Developing a theoretical framework for open data use [e]

Pina, V., Royo, S. & Torres, L. (2017) Comparing online with offline citizen engagement for climate change: Findings from Austria, Germany and Spain [e]

Janssen, M., Ølnes, S. & Ubacht, J. (2017) Blockchain in government: Benefits and implications of distributed ledger technology for information sharing [e]

DePaula, N., Dincelli, E. & Harrison, T. M. (2018) Toward a typology of government social media communication: Democratic goals, symbolic acts and self-presentation [e]

Choi, Y., Lee, H. & Tsohou, A. (2017) Embedding persuasive features into policy issues: Implications to designing public participation processes [e]

Mishra, R. & Sharma, R. (2017) Investigating the role of intermediaries in adoption of public access outlets for delivery of e-Government services in developing countries: An empirical study [e]

Bowen, F., Brooker, P. & Panagiotopoulos, P. (2017) The value of social media data: Integrating crowd capabilities in evidence-based policy [e]

Ganapati, S. & Reddick, C. G. (2018) Prospects and challenges of sharing economy for the public sector [e]

Aavik, G., Kalvet, T., Krimmer, R., McBride, K. & Toots, M. (2018) How does open government data driven co-creation occur? Six factors and a ‘perfect storm’; insights from Chicago's food inspection forecasting model [e]

Almirall, E., Brunswicker, S. & Pujol Priego, L. (2019) Transparency in policy making: A complexity view [e]

Casteleyn, S., Irani, Z., Naranjo-Zolotov, M. & Oliveira, T. (2019) Continuous usage of e-participation: The role of the sense of virtual community [e]

Grönlund, ., Susha, I. & Van Tulder, R. (2019) Data driven social partnerships: Exploring an emergent trend in search of research challenges and questions [e]

Lassinantti, J., Runardotter, M. & Ståhlbröst, A. (2019) Relevant social groups for open data use and engagement [e]

Komarkova, J. & Lnenicka, M. (2018) Big and open linked data analytics ecosystem: Theoretical background and essential elements [e]

Hong, S. & Ryu, J. (2018) Crowdfunding public projects: Collaborative governance for achieving citizen co-funding of public goods [e]

Alvarez, R. M., Solvak, M., Trechsel, A. H., Vassil, K. & Vinkel, P. (2016) The diffusion of internet voting. Usage patterns of internet voting in Estonia between 2005 and 2015 [e]

Pflughoeft, B. R. & Schneider, I. E. (2018) Social media as E-participation: Can a multiple hierarchy stratification perspective predict public interest? [e]

Allen, B., Bickerton, S. H., Cho, W. & Tamindael, L. E. (2018) Does citizen coproduction lead to better urban services in smart cities projects? An empirical study on e-participation in a mobile big data platform [e]

Dawes, S. S., Parkhimovich, O. & Vidiasova, L. (2016) Planning and designing open government data programs: An ecosystem approach [e]

Davies, J., Janowski, T. & Pardo, T. A. (2012) Government Information Networks - Mapping Electronic Governance cases through Public Administration concepts [e]

Adeshina, S. A. & Ojo, A. (2020) Factors for e-voting adoption - analysis of general elections in Nigeria [e]

Hamari, J. & Hassan, L. (2020) Gameful civic engagement: A review of the literature on gamification of e-participation [e]

Žuffová, M. (2020) Do FOI laws and open government data deliver as anti-corruption policies? Evidence from a cross-country study [e]

Bonina, C. & Eaton, B. (2020) Cultivating open government data platform ecosystems through governance: Lessons from Buenos Aires, Mexico City and Montevideo [e]

Tai, K. (2021) Open government research over a decade: A systematic review [e]

Germann, M. (2021) Internet voting increases expatriate voter turnout [e]

Addo, A. & Senyo, P. (2021) Advancing E-governance for development: Digital identification and its link to socioeconomic inclusion [e]

Mossberger, K., Styrin, E. & Zhulin, A. (2022) Government as a platform: Intergovernmental participation for public services in the Russian Federation [e]

Dawes, S. S. & Reggi, L. (2022) Creating Open Government Data ecosystems: Network relations among governments, user communities, NGOs and the media [e]

Ehin, P., Solvak, M., Vinkel, P. & Willemson, J. (2016) Internet voting in Estonia 2005–2019: Evidence from eleven elections [e]

Connollly, N., Donnellan, B., Karimikia, H., Maccani, G., McLoughlin, S. & Puvvala, A. (2020) An emerging typology of IT governance structural mechanisms in smart cities [e]

Pawlowski, C. & Scholta, H. (2023) A taxonomy for proactive public services [e]

Linåker, J., Susha, I., van den Broek, T. & van Veenstra, A. (2023) An ecosystem perspective on developing data collaboratives for addressing societal issues: The role of conveners [e]

Choi, J. & Song, C. (2020) Factors explaining why some citizens engage in E-participation, while others do not [e]

Bayerl, P. S. & van der Giessen, M. (2020) Designing for successful online engagement: Understanding technological frames of citizen and police users of community policing platforms [e]

Baeck, P., Berditchevskaia, A., Branlat, M., Edgar, C., Floch, J., Mesure, P., Rask, M. & Shin, B. (2024) A systematic analysis of digital tools for citizen participation [e]