Change Agents: Blueprints for Inter-Institutional Collaborations in Social Design. Literature Analysis


Work data:

Type of work: Report




In this review, we present an in-depth literature analysis related to contemporary social design along three main paths: theory, methodology, and praxis—in the form of an analytical review of cases. The goal of this analysis is to offer a focused perspective to be considered for use in the future stages of the Change Agents project, to which this review belongs. Given the broad margins of the issue, this analysis does not intend to be exhaustive nor does it claim to encompass the methodological variety currently present in the field. Besides offering a solid introduction, its goal is to foreground relevant issues and matters of concern that merit further exploration. While this literature review was not primarily intended to be a stand-alone document but rather to serve as a supporting document for the Change Agents project activities, we share it with the design community, trusting that it may be of interest to researchers, practitioners, and policymakers interested in social design. The review was conducted and written between May 2023 and September 2023. It incorporates sources published before the latter date, as well as revisions and corrections made until the end of the project in November 2024.


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Full document:
Guersenzvaig, A., Ventura, J. & Espelt Estopà, G. (2024). Change Agents: Blueprints for Inter-Institutional Collaborations in Social Design. Literature Analysis. Barcelona: Elisava.

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