Educational Networks


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Listing 59 references:

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Gordó i Aubarell, G. (2010). Centros educativos: ¿Islas o Nodos?. Barcelona: Editorial Graó.
Kurban, C., Peña-López, I. & Haberer, M. (2016). “What is technopolitics? A conceptual scheme for understanding politics in the digital age”. In Balcells, J., Borge, R., Delgado García, A.M., Fiori, M., Julià, M., Marsan Raventós, C., Peña-López, I., Pifarré de Moner, M.J., Torrubia, B. & Vilasau, M. (Coords.), Building a European digital space, 499-519. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, 7-8 July, 2016. Barcelona: UOC-Huygens Editorial.
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Peña-López, I., Congosto, M. & Aragón, P. (2013). “Spanish Indignados and the evolution of 15M: towards networked para-institutions”. In Balcells, J., Cerrillo i Martínez, A., Peguera, M., Peña-López, I., Pifarré de Moner, M.J. & Vilasau, M. (Coords.), Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities, 359-386. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, 25-26 June, 2013. Barcelona: UOC-Huygens Editorial. Retrieved June 26, 2013 from