Works by Ismael Peña-López

- Anthropology
- Architecture, Urbanism, Design
- Communication and Culture
- Computer Science
- Conflictology
- Data visualization
- Development
- Digital Content
- Digital Divide
- Digital Inclusion
- Digital Literacy
- e-Business & e-Commerce
- e-Democracy
- e-Government & e-Administration
- e-Health
- e-Justice
- e-Learning and Instructional Technology
- e-Politics
- e-Readiness
- Economics
- Education
- Fiction
- Free Software
- Gender
- Geography, Environment, Agriculture
- Government and Public Administration
- Health and Medicine
- History
- Human & Social Sciences
- Human Rights
- ICT Infrastructure
- Information Society
- Innovation
- Intellectual Property
- Knowledge Management
- Law & Criminology
- Management and Business Administration
- Migration
- Network Theory
- Nonprofits
- NPTech
- Online Volunteering
- Open Access
- Participation
- Philosophy
- Policy & Regulation
- Politics and Political Science
- Psychology
- Research & Methodologies
- Science Diffusion, Science Policy
- Social Media & Social Software
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Teleworking
- Usage & Uptake
- Volunteering
All works
- Complete list of works in reverse chronological order.
- Complete list of works, grouped by type of work.
These are things I’ve written, for different purposes and on different formats.
Even if it’s not very accurate, here comes sort of a classification:
- Articles: Writings publised in paper journals, reviews, etc
- Online Articles: Articles published online and normally not peer-reviewed, including web sites and other online artifacts such as newspapers, newsletters, bulletins, portals, etc.
- Books: Writings belonging to books.
- Book Chapters: Same, but not the whole work but a part of it.
- Reports: Results from research, consultancy works, etc.
- Working Papers: Publications related with research and diffusion of results.
- Learning Materials: All kind of educative materials, learning objects, etc.
- PhD Thesis: Pretty clear, huh?
Speeches and Communications
These are things I’ve said, for different purposes and on different places.
Even if it’s not very accurate, here comes sort of a classification:
- Seminars: Speeches imparted in seminars or training sessions.
- Workshops: Same, but in the shape of a workshop (you sometimes can't tell the difference...).
- Conferences: Speeches imparted normally on demand and for a general audience, open, and with a diffusion aim more than scholarly.
- Communications: Speeches imparted at congresses — i.e. events with scheduled speakers and with the possibility to present a communication that a comittee can accept — as keynote speaker or with a submitted and accepted communication.