Difference between revisions of "United Nations Jobs"

From ICT4D Wiki

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[http://www.undp.org/jobs/ UN Development Programme]<br>
[http://www.undp.org/jobs/ UN Development Programme]<br>
[http://stone.undp.org/undpweb/ohr/ohrjobs.cfm UN Development Programme OHR Job Shop]<br>
[http://stone.undp.org/undpweb/ohr/ohrjobs.cfm UN Development Programme OHR Job Shop]<br>
[http://www.iapso.org/about/jobs.asp UNDP Inter-Agency Procurement Serv. Off.]<br>
[http://www.unece.org/jobs.htm UN Economic Commission for Europe]<br>
[http://www.unece.org/jobs.htm UN Economic Commission for Europe]<br>
[http://www.unesco.org/per/ UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization]<br>
[http://www.unesco.org/per/ UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization]<br>

Revision as of 23:35, 3 August 2005