Round Table:
Carmen Candioti, Head of web contents and educational Television, CNICE (Spain);
Jordi Vivancos, Head of the ICT Educational Projects Office. Education Department, Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain);
Ismael Peña-López, Law and Political Sciences School, UOC, (Spain)
Web 2.0 and the role of the public sector
Carmen Candioti
Need for new skills, abilities, competences — the digital competence — that need to be taken into account on curricula design.
The role of the instructor as a mentor, a facilitator, a mediator… and maybe even the creator of his own didactic resources. On the other hand, the student can no more learn alone, but in a shared/sharing environment.
Do ICTs favour learning?
- Motivation
- Interest in the subject
- Collaborative work and environment
- Problem solving
- Creativity and imagination
ICTs as a means, not a goal.
Appropriate technology not separate today from the need for connectivity.
Goals of an “ICTs on schools” policy
- Infrastructures
- Technical support services to schools
- “Connected families” initiative to have an online computer at home for the school-aged children
- Strong bet on open content production, accessible — with emphasis in especial education needs — and in multiple languages
Jordi Vivancos
From Information and Communication Technologies to the Knowledge and Learning Tecnologies. [De les TIC a les TAC
Main conclusions from the Internet Catalonia Project
- Both teachers and students have access to ICTs and are some of the best equipped collectives in the society, but they don’t use it when they meet together at school
- When technology is used is to do tasks that actually do not require technology (e.g. chalkboard vs. powerpoint)
- There is no evidence that technology enhances the learning process or experience: no more learning, no better learning…
Key points for a governmental policy:
- Digital inclusion
- Digital and communication competences
- Advanced infrastructures
- Methodological innovation
Use of ICTs at school is not spontaneous, good practices have to be shared to encourage ICTs use.
A strong will to decentralize power and give it to end schools to self-manage their own resources and policies, but, again, with a strong will to enhance networking both at the horizontal and the vertical levels: among schools, among teachers, among schools and the government, among schools and students and families, etc.
Key competences not only for students, but also for teachers, with the accent on the competences and not the tools.
Ismael Peña-López
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(Answering to a question) the importance in media literacy of learning by doing: by editing videos, by (net)working in social software platforms and environments…
Larry Johnson: Media literacy is not just mastering the tools, but also, the narrative.
Ambjörn Naeve: There’s another kind of digital divide created between content that has proper metadata and the one that has not. And among content that has metadata that can interact with other content and/or platforms — thus enabling a semantic web.
Juan Freire: Besides legal issues, the role of the governments should be to design the devices, the environments where creators can build content and share it comfortably, and this includes — or should include — also the private sector (not only teachers and students), because it’ll be a need for them in the nearest future to enter the “open” arena. Thus, let’s get them in as soon as possible and not in opposition with other not-for-profit creators.
UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Fourth International Seminar. Web 2.0 for Education (2007)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2007) “Web 2.0 and Education Seminar (VII): Carmen Candioti, Jordi Vivancos, Ismael Peña-López: Web 2.0 and the role of the public sector” In ICTlogy,
#49, October 2007. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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