Julià Minguillón draws some conclusions (that I adapt too):
The web is changing (us): from centralized information crunching to distributed personal presence, in a pervasive networked environment.
Learning happens everywhere, and in the space between — in part thanks to new (mobile) devices — and accordingly learning spaces must adapt.
Institutions are far behind users, but not all users are 2.0 yet.
2.0 is:
- much more than technology
- a cultural change
- doing new things with new tools (not old things with new tools)
- crowdsourcing, innovation, creation
The person is the center. Of the learning process. Of his network. Thus the personal learning environment or space is crucial. And crucial to gather the knowledge that has split outside the walls of the university.
BUT, all this information (overload) needs to be managed, needs to be managed now, and needs to be managed at an incredible speed (of change). The semantic web, personal filters, social networks, technology… teachers! can help in this commitment.
One of the things that can make all this amount of information governable will be the ability to “rip, mix, burn” the found content, aggregating data from different sources, to open the results through open licenses. And, of course, metadata and open technologies.
More info
- Post-seminar site available at the seminar website
- Web 2.0 y Educación (III), by Francesc Balagué
- El futuro del binomio educación-tecnología (I), by Julià Minguillón
- El futuro del binomio educación-tecnología (II), by Julià Minguillón
- Larry Johnson’s Flickr photo set on the seminar
- Phil Long’s Flickr photo set on the seminar
- Daniel Villar’s Flickr photo set on the seminar
I have to heartily thank Alfredo J. Charques, Julià Minguillón, Josep M. Duart and Raquel Xalabarder for the impressive effort — and success! — to organize the event and gather in Barcelona this most interesting community of speakers and attendants to the seminar, that enrichened to a highest level both the on-seminar sessions and off-seminar coffees, beers and unrestful nights. To everyone, a big thank you.
UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Fourth International Seminar. Web 2.0 for Education (2007)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2007) “Web 2.0 and Education Seminar (VIII): Conclusions” In ICTlogy,
#49, October 2007. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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I agree with Ismael, the seminar was fantastic and I thank the organizers too. But…most of the speakers were talking about cases studies, potential benefits, and trends… I have found a lack of empirical researches and theoretical approaches, so the conclusions above maybe are just questions – hypothesis we may contrast. We may tackle education and Web 2.0 as practitioners but also as a researchers. That will allow us a better understand of what we are talking about and the social consequences both on line and off line.