Works: 2 references
Wilson, S.,
Liber, O.,
Johnson, M.,
Beauvoir, P.,
Sharples, P. &
Milligan, C. (2007). “
Personal Learning Environments: Challenging the dominant design of educational systems”. In
Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 3 (2), 27-38. Rome: Società Italiana di e-Learning. Retrieved October 19, 2007 from
Milligan, C.,
Beauvoir, P.,
Johnson, M.,
Sharples, P.,
Wilson, S. &
Liber, O. (2006). “
Developing a Reference Model to Describe the Personal Learning Environment”. In
Nejdl, W. &
Tochtermann, K. (Eds.),
Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing. Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 4227 (2), 506-511. Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Heidelberg: Springer.