- Managing complexity for systemic impact: responses to VUCA and BANI environments
- REPORT. Catalan Participation Lab Network. Public facilities and social innovation
- GUIDE. Guide to gender mainstreaming in participatory processes
- BOOK CHAPTER. The ecosystem of public governance: institutions as open infrastructures for collective decision-making
- Citizen Participation in policy-making: internalizing externalities and preventing conflict through planning and evaluating
- Governance of the Ecosystem of educational communities
- Current challenges of informal participation: what can an Artificial Intelligence do for citizen participation
- Three challenges of citizen labs
- The role of public facilities and civic centres in a citizen participation ecosystem
- BOOK CHAPTER. The differential impact of crisis in the Information Society
- Current challenges of online participation: a citizen e-participation journey
- A Theory of Change of citizen participation: an update
- REDEM (V). Membership and Voice: Local and Global
- REDEM (IV). The Demos, Partisanship and Technology
- REDEM (III). Open panel
- REDEM (II). Democracy, Rationality and Inequality
- REDEM (I). Democratic Ethics and Politics
- Draft Opinion. Local and Regional Authorities in the permanent dialogue with citizens
- Opinion Factsheet. Local and Regional Authorities in the permanent dialogue with citizens
- Conference on Democratic Innovation (IV). Regional planning and collaboration
- Conference on Democratic Innovation (III). Regional planning and citizen participation
- Conference on Democratic Innovation (II). Regional planning, transparency and open data
- Conference on Democratic Innovation (I). An architect meets a biologist
- DigEnlight2019 (V). ICT for Democracy
- DigEnlight2019 (IV). Media and Democracy
- DigEnlight2019 (III). Andrew Keen: How to fix Democracy
- DigEnlight2019 (II). Democracy Organisation
- DigEnlight2019 (I). Anna Asimakopoulou: Democracy and Media in the Digital Era
- Article. Open government in new digital states: which libraries for which citizens?
- A citizen participation ecosystem
- Defining and promoting new intermediaries in citizen engagement
- Implementing an Open Government Department
- Roger Soler-i-MartÃ. Youth and social and political engagement
- Branko Milanovic. World inequalities and the European social contract
- Implementing Internet Voting. A policy brief
- Book. Shifting participation into sovereignty: the case of
- Oliver Escobar. Mini-publics for citizen participation
- Article. Impact of information and communication technologies in agroecological cooperativism in Catalonia
- Elections in Estonia and the current parliamentary elections (II)
- Elections in Estonia and the current parliamentary elections (I)
- Renos Vakis. Behavioral psychology to improve decision making
- Citizen participation on new digital platforms
- Book Chapter. Fostering non-formal and informal democratic participation: From mass democracy to democracy networks
- Book Chapter. Translearning: unfolding educational institutions to scaffold lifelong networked learning
- eDemocracy: Digital Rights and Responsibilities (II). Experts and activists
- eDemocracy: Digital Rights and Responsibilities (I). Stakeholders and tech companies
- Mara Balestrini. Beyond the transparency portal: citizen data and the right to contribute
- Article. Alternative economics or technopolitics. Activism from agroecological products cooperative consumption
- Fostering non-formal and informal democratic participation (III). Infrastructures for non-formal and informal democratic participation
- Fostering non-formal and informal democratic participation (II). Digital revolution and technopolitics
- Fostering non-formal and informal democratic participation (I). Man-mass and post-democracy
- A Theory of Change of citizen participation
- Appointed Director General of Citizen Participation
- Report. Study on the impact of the internet and social media on youth participation and youth work
- Open government: where to begin with? A showcase
- From teacher training to teacher learning
- The Chief Research Officer in consultancy firms
- Decidim.index. Juan Romero: managing conflict to improve the democratic process
- Decidim.index. Miriam Sol & Carla Cordoncillo: Systems of indicators of quality
- Decidim.index. Sofia de Roa: Systems of indicators of quality
- OP@LL Conference (VII): Case Studies 3
- OP@LL Conference (VI): Evaluation of Online-Participation
- OP@LL Conference (V): Online and Offline Participation
- OP@LL Conference (IV): Actors in the Field of Online Participation
- OP@LL Conference (III): Case studies II
- OP@LL Conference (II): Case Studies I
- OP@LL Conference (I): Online Participation – stock taking
- Article. Digital platforms: consumption groups and cooperatives vs. The Food Assembly in the case of Barcelona
- Government as a platform for open social innovation
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (XII). So what?
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (XI). Lessons about supporting work in this field
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (X). What has MAVC learnt about supporting work in this field?
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (IX). Open Government Partnership (II)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (VIII). Open Government Partnership (I)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (VII). Governance actors, processes and relationships
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (VI). Take-away thoughts
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (V). Tech as part of the mix (II)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (IV). Tech as part of the mix (I)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (III). Tech per se (II)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (II). Tech per se (I)
- Appropriating Technology for Accountability (I). Rosie McGee: What roles do and don’t technologies play in citizen voice and transparency for achieving accountable and responsive governance?
- Case study., Spain
- The digital revolution is not (only) the fourth industrial revolution
- Report. Evaluation of the Open Data for Development program
- Thesis Defence. Francisco Jurado: Political representation in the age of Internet. The case of Spain
- e-Participation: from capacity building to governance
- Constitutional processes in the world
- Policy brief. Citizen participation and the rise of the open source city in Spain
- Article. What is technopolitics? A conceptual scheme for understanding politics in the digital age
- Article. ICT-based participation in municipalities: from citizen empowerment to the open cities network
- Centralization vs. decentralization tensions in the Digital Economy
- Book chapter. Environmental education in a world of networks
- Participation in Spanish Municipalities: The Makings of a Network of Open cities
- Report. State of the Art: Spain. Voice or chatter? Using a Structuration Framework Towards a Theory of ICT-mediated Citizen Engagement
- Report. Inclusion in the age of post-democracy
- What is social inclusion today?
- Book chapter. Networked learning: strategies and tools to open and disrupt educational institutions
- Metadecidim (II). Silvia Luque: The participatory experience of the Municipality Action Plan through the platform
- Metadecidim (I). Robert Bjarnason: Digital tools for the democratic revolution in Iceland and beyond
- Working paper. Technopolitics, ICT-based participation in municipalities and the makings of a network of open cities. Drafting the state of the art and the case of decidim.Barcelona
- 13th anniversary
- Open Cities Summit (VI). Ideathon workshops takeaways
- Open Cities Summit (V). Ideathon workshops
- Open Cities Summit (IV). Public presentation of the eight projects developed along Visualizar’16 international workshop at Medialab-Prado
- Open Cities Summit (III). Expert panel on what is an open city: emerging trends, scaling opportunities, strengthening networks
- Open Cities Summit (II). City leaders panel: local issues and open data solutions, lessons learned, and setting short and long terms priorities
- Open Cities Summit (I). Keynote: Amen Ra Mashariki, Chief Analytics Officer, New York City
- OD4D Summit (II)
- OD4D Summit (I)
- Conflict in the network age: why is social media conflictive?
- Technopolitics, networks and citizenship: a syllabus
- IDP2016 (X). Céline Deswarte: Towards a future proof legal framework for digital privacy in Europe
- IDP2016 (IX). New Media, Citizens & Public Opinion
- IDP2016 (VIII). Lance Bennett: The Democratic Interface: Communication and Organizational Change in Movements and Parties
- IDP2016 (VII). New Political Parties & Cyber-activism
- IDP2016 (VI). Cybercrime
- IDP2016 (V). Data protection
- IDP2016 (IV). E-government
- IDP2016 (III). Raquel Xalabarder: Copyright law for a digital single market: how far are we from achieving it?
- IDP2016 (II). Digital Single Market and e-Commerce
- IDP2016 (I). Hugh Beale: The future of European Contract Law in the light of the European Commission’s proposals for Directives on digital content and on-line sales
- Book chapter: The new infrastructures of democracy
- eLearning Africa 2016 (VII). Back up for Online Tutors and Mentors
- eLearning Africa 2016 (VI). Creating Communities of Practice for Teachers
- eLearning Africa 2016 (V). Entrepreneurialism, Capacity Development and the Role of Education in Accelerating Change
- eLearning Africa 2016 (IV). Researching Learner Centred Methods
- eLearning Africa 2016 (III). Reaping the rewards of open
- eLearning Africa 2016 (II). e-Readiness for Teachers: Supporting the Driving Force
- eLearning Africa 2016 (I). Vision, innovation and reality
- Communication at IDP2016. What is technopolitics? A conceptual scheme for understanding politics in the digital age
- Communication at IDP2016. Activismo desde el consumo cooperativo de productos agroalimentarios: ¿Economía alternativa o tecnopolítica?
- Communication at IDP2016. Structural Conditions for Citizen Deliberation: A Conceptual Scheme for the Assessment of “New†Parties
- Communication at CeDEM2016. Structural Conditions for Citizen Deliberation. A Conceptual Scheme for the Assessment of “New†Parties
- The challenge of being (professionally) connected. Proceedings of the VII EAFT Terminology Summit 2014: Social Media and Terminology work
- In defense of slacktivism. An interview.
- The future of publishing may be not publishing at all
- Fostering community building in communities of learning through assignment design
- Open Government: A simplified scheme
- Are assembly-based parties network parties?
- The networked educator — an approach from distributed leadership
- Thesis Defence. Arnau Monterde: Emergence, evolution and effects of the 15M network movement (2011-2015): A technopolitical approximation
- APROPIATIC (VII). Peter C. Mantell: the future of online education
- APROPIATIC (VI). Ismael Peña-López: Unfolding educational institutions. Strategies and tools for networked learning
- APROPIATIC (V). Larry Cooperman: Higher Education, Virtual Education, Open Education
- APROPIATIC (IV). Larry Cooperman: Open education: what is it, why is it, for whom is it and how to begin
- APROPIATIC (III). Emilio Alvarado Badillo: Education of the future: Projections into the future
- APROPIATIC (II). Stefania Druga: Envangelizing technology for learning. Hackidemia
- APROPIATIC (I). Kenneth C. Green: Use and appropriation of technology in higher education. The Campus Computing Project
- CDF2015 (IV). Jonathan Gray: Open data
- CDF2015 (III). Margot Bouwman: on the power of communication
- CDF2015 (II). Ismael Peña-López: The SDGs and the oversight of disregarding social revolutions
- CDF2015 (I). Babah Tarawally: On the refugee crisis
- The community first: subverting the dynamics of putting technology in the classroom
- 12th anniversary
- Detaching learning from educational institutions
- Communication. Mapping agro-food consumption groups in the city of Barcelona
- Emancipation and the failure of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Rosa Borge. From protest to political parties: online deliberation in the new parties arising in Spain
- IDP2015 (IX). Multidisciplinary debate on the challenges of smart cities
- IDP2015 (VIII). Juan José Medina Ariza: Crime Mapping and the Smart City
- IDP2015 (VII). E.J. Koops: Physical and Online Privacy: fundamental challenges for level frameworks to remain relevant
- IDP2015 (VI). Smart cities II
- IDP2015 (V). E-government and transparency
- IDP2015 (IV). Internet, Politics and Society
- IDP2015 (III). Smart Cities (I)
- IDP2015 (II). Wim Vanobberghen: The Politics of Governance, Citizen Participation and the City: is the smart revolution on its way?
- IDP2015 (I). Daniele Quercia: Connected New Urbanism
- New democratic movements (V). Taking stock: workshop concluding remarks
- New democratic movements (IV). The civic culture of the new democratic movements
- New democratic movements (III). Occupy Wall Street and the 15M Spanish Indignados movement
- New democratic movements (II). New technologies, social networks, and democracy
- New democratic movements (I). Transformations of democracy. Deliberative democracy, participatory democracy, digital democracy
- Book chapter. The double edge of technology: an opportunity for inclusion and a risk of exclusion
- DemocraticCity (IV). New political movements for real democracy in Europe
- DemocraticCity (III). Experiments of democratic participation in Cities, A European perspective
- DemocraticCity (II). New generation citizen movements’ campaigns in Spain
- DemocraticCity (I). Democratic-common cities vs. Smart-private cities
- A critique to UNCTAD B2C E-commerce Index
- Book review: Networks of Outrage and Hope
- A simple pathway for open enhanced research
- Open social learning: let me out, let them in
- Towards a definition of the network party
- Thesis Defence. Antonella Esposito: The Transition “from student to researcher†in the Digital Age
- The use of social networking sites and the need to rethink democracy and the forms of participation
- Lali Sandiumenge. The construction of a new Mediterranean Sea: women, youngsters and new forms of participation
- Philipp Schmidt. Social Open Learning: Can Online Social Networks Transform Education?
- 11th anniversary
- Javier Toret. #OccupyHongKong: Network Movements arrive in Asia
- Thesis Defence. Xavier Mas: the integration of the uses of digital technology in adult learning
- TecnopolÃtica14 (IV). Miguel Arana & Francesca Bria: experiments in digital democracy
- TecnopolÃtica14 (III). Javier Toret, Antonio Ruiz & Sergio Salgado: limits and potentials of technopolitical practices
- TecnopolÃtica14 (II). Ismael Peña-López & VÃctor Sampedro: technopolitics and institutions
- TecnopolÃtica14 (I). Joan Subirats & Simona Levi. Political evolution of the 15M
- Juan Ignacio Criado Grande: Networks, participation and Open Government
- How to incorporate mobile devices in learning in Catalonia?
- EAIE2014 (VIII). A MOOC Revolution? Strategic Considerations and Lessons Learned
- EAIE2014 (VII). Returns on higher education and labour market linkages: latest OECD findings
- EAIE2014 (VI). Should your institution join the online exodus?
- EAIE2014 (V). Internationalise your curriculum through virtual mobility
- EAIE2014 (IV). E-supervision: a new tool for enhancing PhD education in Africa