Sofia de Roa: Systems of indicators of quality
The point of departure to design a system of indicators for democratic quality is transparency.
Two types of organiations in relationship to transparency:
180º organization:
- What for transparency: to disclose information from the past.
- Why transparency: external motivation: to look nice in transparency indices and gain recognition.
- What do we make transparent: operative aspects related to production, such as people, economy, structure and processes.
- How do we become transparent: on their own, with their own tools.
360º organization:
- What for transparency: to disclose commitments and measure improvements.
- Why transparency: intrinsic motivation: responsibility, work well done, the common good.
- What do we make transparent: all the value chain, including vision and mission, values, strategies, etc.
- How do we become transparent: in a participatory way, with all stakeholders.
How to operationalize concepts such as diversity, democratic quality, gender balance, social autonomy, etc.?
Systems of quality indicators: choose, improve, etc.
Decidim.index: indices for the democratic quality of online participation (2018)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2018) “Decidim.index. Sofia de Roa: Systems of indicators of quality” In ICTlogy,
#172, January 2018. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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