ICTlogy.net: 8th anniversary

Time to celebrate again, and stop even for a little while to recap the activity for the last twelve months: since last time I checked, ICTlogy.net became one year older. And, thus, my personal research portal, my personal learning environment — is now eight years old.

As usual, some figures first, then some comments:

This year, the “other” blog SociedadRed became quite important: international politics, in general, and Spanish politics, in particular, caught my attention powerfully and I thus spent a lot of time thinking out loud on topics like the Spanish Indignants Movement.

On the other hand, Twitter established itself as an essential way to get information, to communicate and to share with others. That was especially true during events and for discussing issues on real time, like the aforementioned politics.

Indeed, most traffic comes now from Google searches and Twitter conversations, and you visitors come looking for three different things: resources on ICT4D, my rants in Spanish on the Information Society and related issues, and personal/professional information about me, like who I am, what do I do, or what have I done.

That, and the increasing amount of content gathered behind these virtual walls, made me think that a thorough redesign of the project was definitely due. And we are working on it. More information about that, hopefully soon.

By the way, for those who do not know yet and care about it, I became a father on September 4th of a beautiful Muriel. That is a project and, as we say in Spanish, the rest is nonsense.


If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2011) “ICTlogy.net: 8th anniversary” In ICTlogy, #97, October 2011. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
Retrieved month dd, yyyy from https://ictlogy.net/review/?p=3845

Previous post: Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles (XII). Julià Minguillón: Conclusions of the UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning VIII International Seminar

Next post: Communication and Civil Society (I). Politics in the Internet age (I)

9 Comments to “ICTlogy.net: 8th anniversary” »

  1. Me faltaría el dinero si tuviera que pagarte todo lo que he aprendido de ti y de/con este sitio.

    Ánimo con el nuevo proyecto. Ya estoy ansioso para seguir aprendiendo.

    Felicidades por el cumpleaños y por la parternidad :-)

  2. Ei, congratulacions per 8 anys de blog! Tot i formar part de la prehistòria d’aquesta activitat has sabut estar a l’avantguarda en el poc temps que fa que et segueixo: qualitat i simplicitat estètica, qualitat i quantitat de contingut, són el meu humil diagnòstic. Felicitats i que la Muriel t’il·lumini encara millor el teu camí.

  3. Enhorabuena Ismael! Como con 8 años Muriel sea tan prolija como ictlogy.net, definitivamente por fin tendremos un Nobel! Un abrazo grande y mil gracias por todo lo compartido,

  4. Pingback: ICTlogy » SociedadRed » ICTlogy v6.0

  5. buen dia acabo de enterarme de tu blog y la verdad es que me parece bueno no sabia de mas personas interesadas en estos temas, aqui tienes un nuevo lector que seguira visitandote a diario.

  6. Pingback: ICTlogy » ICT4D Blog » ICTlogy v6.0

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