Two questions launched to the audience. Gathered on the fly, some might be redundant:
The most inspiring thing that you will take home from the conference
- So much going on
- All about people
- Discovered progress achieved in Africa
- Interdisciplinarity, so many people engaged/interested in these issues
- RSS feeds to unlock the information on websites
- The Web 2.0 allows the dissemination of content
- Some people have already implemented some Web 2.0 applications
- But there’s still a lot of work to be done, and you have to work hard
- Even if there are strong barriers to Web 2.0 implementation, most people in developing countries believe that once you have infrastructures (computers, connectivity) the remaining barriers (literacy, change of mind…) will be easily overcome
- These technologies can bring welfare as they are addressed to people, and once the “wall” of the digital divide falls, there’ll be a revolution
- The real and huge possibilities of blending everything together
How will you take what you have learned and apply what you have learned
- The infrastructure needs to catch up with the applications
- Spread the word of Web 2.0
- Start tagging out of the established taxonomies — and adding web2fordev tag to the list of possible tags to be used on own content
- Rethink all strategies
- Think on how to apply those tools in your day-to-day work
- And more especially how to apply them on the field
- Make information circulate in pervasive ways, give it life, deattach it from the source and let if fly
Five things you need to know to get to the Web 2.0
- Write: Blogs
- Store: Wikis
- Categorize: Tagging, keywords
- Spread: Feeds
- Get it all together: mashups
Main challenges
- People centered
- Access
- Participation, motivation
- Content creation, dissemination
- Evaluate and assess: what’s the impact, the change, the progress
More info
- Some reflections at Zarah’s Minor Contributions, some for Day 1 and some for Day 2 including conclusions on the conference
- ICT Journalist, Brenda Zulu’s blog
Last words
On my own side, I cannot but sincerely thank the organization (and the attendants too!) for such a huge effort and for such a brilliant success. I really enjoyed the conference and learned from everyone to my limits. Thank you! :)
Web 2.0 for Development related posts (2007)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2007) “Web2forDev 2007 (XII): Closing Session” In ICTlogy,
#48, September 2007. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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