Back in March 10th, 2006, I was asked to impart a workshop about Web 2.0 and diffusion of research. The workshop was improved, repeated and even published with a strong focus on teaching.
The subject quite caught on me and I’ve been working since to (a) strengthen the theoretical framework and (b) give it the “for development” bias that I’m so fond of. There’s quite a bunch or articles that I’ve been publishing here exploring ideas, doubts, thoughts about the issue — just on my previous article, for instance.
Finally, it has taken the appropriate shape and been published in the Knowledge Management for Development Journal, in an issue under the topic of Stewarding technologies for collaboration, community building and knowledge sharing in development, coordinated by Nancy White, Beth Kanter, Partha Sarker, Oreoluwa Somolu, Beverly Trayner, Brenda Zulu and Lucie Lamoureux. Having an article accepted — and commented — by such a team is something that makes you feel really good, as they all are people of reference in both the researcher and practitioner fields.
The full reference is:
On the other hand, a live presentation of the contents of this article will take place at the Web2forDev Conference in Rome next 25 to 27 September 2007.
Feedback welcome!
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2007) “Knowledge Management for Development article: “The personal research portal: web 2.0 driven individual commitment with open access for development”” In ICTlogy,
#47, August 2007. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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That’s great! Congratulations for having been published. I’ll read the article with interest this summer. Keep up the good job!
Congratulations too, it looks like your kind of perspective it’s opening the way! :)
Congratulations for your excellent work as seen in this blog! I’ll read your article too.
Send me a reminder when the conference approaches and I might come to be the claque in Rome! ;-)