Nick van Dam’s article Leveraging Knowledge Management: The Curriculum Map talks about how Knowledge Objects (reports, presentations, articles, etc. you once made/read), if well designed (through some instructional design) can become Learning Objects.
These Learning Objects could then be gathered in a Curriculum Map:
A learning curriculum map provides all learners with relevant information, supplemental resources, job aids, knowledge objects and learning objects to support their learning and certification needs. From this map, the learner can easily and efficiently access the relevant learning and knowledge objects that are hosted on a variety of portals
I think this is an interesting idea and I’d like to go one step beyond. Now that we’re running into e-learning standards (SCORM, IMS,…) and digital content standards (such as XML) I guess it is no nonsense thinking about one’s own learning management system where to follow courses run by third parties.
I mean, the curriculum map could be enhanced with the possibility of running others’ courses in your environment, an environment you would use, besides e-learning, to keep your “relevant information, supplemental resources, job aids, knowledge objects and learning objects” that would conform this curriculum map.
Then, instead of having a feed aggregator such as Bloglines to read others’ blogs, you’d have a course aggregator to follow others’ courses. And, as added features, everything van Dam is talking about in his article.
SCORM, IMS, XML and all the acronyms that are to come should make this possible.
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2005) “Knowledge Objects to Learning Objects and individualized LMSs” In ICTlogy,
#16, January 2005. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
Retrieved month dd, yyyy from
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Hello Ismael,
I have had the chance to work on the learning object concept quite a bit (eduSource Canada). I have some questions for you:
If you look at various learning object repositories, you will find that when yo do a search you get a lot of worthless results. Don’t you think that www/Google is still the world’s most efficient learning object repository/search tool? If learning objects don’t significantly differ in their essence from what you can find browsing the web, why is there a need to gather/describe them in a repository?
I’m not saying that all the work around learning objects is useless but I think that the learning object concept is an answer looking for a question. And that question has yet to be found ;-)
Yan Simard
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