Online Volunteering Taxonomy

Some terms I’ve run through and (maybe as note to self) I want to make clear:

Cybervolunteer: same as online volunteer. I’ve found places where cybervolunteers are thought to be ICT Volunteers, but I don’t agree with this sense.

e-Volunteer: same as online volunteer

ICT Volunteer: a person who is working to foster the implementation and use of Information and Communication Technologies. He can install hardware, software or carry on with ICT training programmes. There’s no need to be an online volunteer to be an ICT volunteer: installing hardware is a good example. And there’s no need to be an ICT volunteer to be an online volunteer: teaching a language through a virtual campus is not related with ICT fostering, at least in a direct way.

Online Volunteer: maybe the most standardized term, it deals with volunteers working from home or work or wherever but not in place. An internet connected device is the main communication tool and his main added value is knowledge. He can do things but, over all, he knows how to do things. Thus, he’s a good assistant, consultant, advisor, etc. And, of course, he can transfer his knowledge, so he can effectively work as trainer or teacher (e-trainer or e-teacher, of course).

Virtual Volunteer: same as online volunteer.

If you’ve found other terms related to these ones, please, let me know :)


If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2004) “Online Volunteering Taxonomy” In ICTlogy, #6, March 2004. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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