Michael Saunby
Climate Change Mashups
Climate change: not a change in the climate but (also) a change in the variability of the climate.
By looking at the map applications, it is easier to see where e.g. there’ll be water stress in the (nearest) future, or human health crisis due to high ozone levels.
Mashups are about e.g. enough people collecting, reusing and distributing public sector information on already existing (commercial) online applications — e.g. Google Earth — so anyone can contribute again and close the loop — and make the scope of diffusion way wider.
It’s possible to mashup news RSS feeds with Google Earth so you can geolocate where the news took place.
To my (provoking) “concern” that you might be putting all your eggs in one basket, and relying too much on third parties’ applications to publish your content, Michael Saunby answers that it is just about tracking
those applications as they appear and evolve, and go along with them, not that you invest on them, but just use them — use them for your own purposes and with all the benefits they have.
More info:
- WeMapr
- Lat Long Blog
- Google Code, to find out about the mashup editor (and other Google open API related things)
Patrizia Monteduro
GeoNetwork OpenSource: Geographic data sharing for everyone
Provide a common platform and standards to (online) manage geographic data, improving accessibility while monitoring quality.
- Metadata and data publication and distribution
- Metadata and data search
- Interactive access to maps
- Metadata editing and management
- Different metadata standards
- Different sharing levels
Metadata harvesting and synchronization allows the system to gather metadata from distributed information hosted in other services/servers, done by the user himself.
More info:
Web 2.0 for Development related posts (2007)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2007) “Web2forDev 2007 (XI): Spatial Knowledge Sharing” In ICTlogy,
#48, September 2007. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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